A really poor board, cheap components, cheap diodes, it came with a different capacitor 2200uf (no brand) instead of 6800uf, cheaper diodes and overall a cheap board.
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Its particularly rigorous design and the quality of its components make it an excellent choice for powering any type of module or audio components requiring low voltage and clean power.
All environments in which it contributes to improve the sound quality, equipped with a potentiometer it is possible to adjust its voltage from 2.5 to 30V.
Features:/ Strong>
Input | Screw terminals |
Output | Screw terminals |
Output voltage (V) | 15.0 |
Output voltage (V) | 10.0 |
Output voltage (V) | 25.0 |
Output voltage (V) | 30.0 |
Output voltage (V) | 5.0 |
Output voltage (V) | 20.0 |
Output voltage (V) | 3.0 |
Output current (A) | 6.0 |
Input voltage (V) | 27.0 |
Input voltage (V) | 10.0 |
Input voltage (V) | 3.0 |
Input voltage (V) | 25.0 |
Input voltage (V) | 5.0 |
Input voltage (V) | 15.0 |
Input voltage (V) | 20.0 |
Power Supply | Regulated Linear Power Supply |
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Guillermo G.