Excellent amplifier with just a few minor imperfections:
- the power supply produces a very slight high-piched noise (~4kHz) that can be noticed from a 0.5-1m distance (or more) in silent environment (esp. from behind) ; the sound is different when the amp is off and when it is on (NC252M-based amps don't do this)
- if you plan to use the RCA inputs, expect sensitivity to ground-loops, esp. if you have a more complex sond system; if it includes a USB device (e.g. a DAC), you may need a proper USB isolator (a cheap one based on Adum3165 is just good enough)
- it is a pity that the XLR and RCA inputs cannot be switched remotely via some extension or upgrade; just some connector/header bypassing the mechanical switch would be very useful for a DIY implementation using relays
- ideally, remote switching of the gain (e.g. depending on the selection of the XLR or RCA input) would be fantastic (but possibly too complicated)