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Noel C.

Etonnant pour le prix
Ce câble n’enlève rien et ne rajoute rien
Aucune différence de son comparé a mes autres câbles
A essayer avant de dépenser de...
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Dominique G.

Commande passée le 24 Février, enfin reçue le 20 Mars.
1 Mois, c'est franchement exagéré, surtout que l'argent est...
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Peter R.

A good and sturdy XLR connector.

Delivery was prompt.

Many thanks to Audiophonics. A reliable company.

List of products ALLO

The ALLO brand offers digital audio products such as DACs, class D amplifiers or particularly innovative reclockers. Here is a true expert in audiophile solutions for Raspberry Pi and SBC. ALLO is a brand that offers real alternatives, with very good performance and high musical quality.
The ALLO brand has a complete and powerful audio solution based around its Single Board Computer Sparky. The latter works with PIANO HIFI DAC, PIANO 2.1 HIFI DAC, VOLT AMP, or Reclocker KALI.

ALLO Audio Logo

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