Discover our range of Audiophonics Workshop amplifiers

Posté le 2023-08-07 News, Tests & reviews, HiFI products comparaisons 5617

Audiophonics Workshop, amplifiers made in France!

Through our different Audiophonics Workshop amplifier ranges, we offer you a series of devices designed and assembled by hand in our workshop in France. We take particular care to offer you quality products, based on components carefully selected to provide the best possible sound performance and durability.

Discover our Audiophonics Workshop amplifier ranges!

Connected integrated amplifiers
HPA power amplifiers
LPA power amplifiers
MPA power amplifiers
AP300 power amplifiers

Connected integrated amplifiers

Are you looking for a turnkey amplification solution to integrate a versatile, high-performance HiFi system? Our range of integrated amplifiers is made for you! They combine the roles of amplifier, DAC and volume controller, with full connectivity to suit every need. All you need to do is pair them with a pair of speakers to enjoy your music in the best possible conditions.

Amplificateur Audiophonics DA-S125NC

Audiophonics DA-S125NC

Hypex NCore NC1222MP amplifier
2x125W @ 4Ω

Find out more about the DA-S125NC
Amplificateur Audiophonics DA-S250NC

Audiophonics DA-S250NC

Hypex NCore NC252MP amplifier
2x250W @ 4Ω

Find out more about the DA-S250NC
Amplificateur Audiophonics DAW-S250NC

Audiophonics DAW-S250NC

Hypex NCore NC252MP amplifier
2x250W @ 4Ω
Integrated network player

Find out more about the DAW-S250NC
Audiophonics DA / DAW amplifier comparison
NameAmplification typeAmplifier brandAmplifier modelOutput powerDACSupported sampling ratesBluetoothWiFiInputsOutputsUSB interfaceScreenPrice
DA-S125NCClass DNCoreNC122MP2x125W @ 4Ω
2x60W @ 8Ω
ES9038Q2MPCM 32bit 768kHz
Bluetooth 5.0
Speaker output
RCA Pre-Out
XMOS XU208599€ (TTC)
DA-S250NCClass DNCoreNC252MP2x250W @ 4Ω
2x150W @ 8Ω
ES9038Q2MPCM 32bit 768kHz
Bluetooth 5.0
Speaker output
RCA Pre-Out
XMOS XU208699€ (TTC)
DAW-S250NCClass DNCoreNC252MP2x250W @ 4Ω
2x150W @ 8Ω
ES9038Q2MPCM 32bit 768kHz
Bluetooth 5.0
Speaker output
RCA Pre-Out
XMOS XU208899€ (TTC)

HPA power amplifiers

Are you a fan of separate-element HiFi systems? Then the HPA range is for you! It offers a wide range of massive, high-performance power amplifiers. This is our range of the most powerful amplifier models, ideal for setting up audio systems with substantial power resources.

Amplificateur de puissance Audiophonics HPA-Q250NC

Audiophonics HPA-Q250NC

Hypex NCore NC252MP amplifier
4 Channels
4x250W @ 4Ω

Find out more about the HPA-Q250NC
Amplificateur de puissance Audiophonics HPA-S250NC

Audiophonics HPA-S250NC

Hypex NCore NC250MP amplifier
2x250W @ 4Ω

Find out more about the HPA-S250NC
Amplificateur de puissance Audiophonics HPA-S400ET Sparkos Edition

Audiophonics HPA-S400ET Sparkos Edition

Purifi 1ET400A amplifier
2x400W @ 4Ω
Sparkos OPA

Find out more about the HPA-S400ET Sparkos Edition
Amplificateur de puissance Audiophonics HPA-S500NC

Audiophonics HPA-S500NC

Hypex NCore NC500MP amplifier
2x500 @ 4Ω

Find out more about the HPA-S500NC
Amplificateur de puissance Audiophonics HPA-S600NCX

Audiophonics HPA-S600NCX

Hypex NCore NCx500 amplifier
2x600W @ 4Ω

Find out more about the HPA-S600NCX
Amplificateur de puissance Audiophonics HPA-DM500NIL

Audiophonics HPA-DM500NIL

Hypex Nilai500DIY amplifier
Dual mono
2x500W @ 4Ω

Find out more about the HPA-DM500NIL
Amplificateur de puissance Audiophonics HPA-DM750ET

Audiophonics HPA-DM750ET

Purifi 1ET9040BA amplifier
Dual mono
2x750W @ 4Ω

Find out more about the HPA-DM750ET
Amplificateur de puissance Audiophonics HPA-H250NC

Audiophonics HPA-H250NC

Hypex NCore NC252MP amplifier
6 Channels
6x250W @ 4Ω

Find out more about the HPA-H250NC
Amplificateur de puissance Audiophonics HPA-S450ET

Audiophonics HPA-S450ET

Purifi 1ET6525SA amplifier
2x450W @ 4Ω

Find out more about the HPA-S450ET
Amplificateur de puissance Audiophonics HPA-S500ET

Audiophonics HPA-S500ET

Purifi 1ET7040SA amplifier
2x500W @ 4Ω

Find out more about the HPA-S500ET
Amplificateur de puissance Audiophonics HPA-T450ET

Audiophonics HPA-T450ET

Purifi 1ET6525SA amplifier
3 Channels
3x450W @ 4Ω

Find out more about the HPA-T450ET
Amplificateur de puissance Audiophonics HPA-S400ET

Audiophonics HPA-S400ET


Purifi 1ET400A amplifier
2x400W @ 4Ω

Find out more about the HPA-S400ET
Amplificateur de puissance Audiophonics HPA-S400NC

Audiophonics HPA-S400NC


Hypex NCore NC400 amplifier
2x400W @ 4Ω

Find out more about the HPA-S400NC
Amplificateur de puissance Audiophonics HPA-S600NC

Audiophonics HPA-S600NC


Hypex NCore NC500 OEM amplifier
2x600W @ 4Ω

Find out more about the le HPA-S600NC
Amplificateur de puissance Audiophonics HPA-T400ET

Audiophonics HPA-T400ET


Purifi 1ET400A amplifier
3 Channels
3x400W @ 4Ω

Find out more about the HPA-T400ET
Amplificateur de puissance Audiophonics HPA-S300NL

Audiophonics HPA-S300NIL


Hypex Nilai500DIY amplifier
2x300W @ 4Ω

Find out more about the HPA-S300NIL
Amplificateur de puissance Audiophonics HPA-Q400ET

Audiophonics HPA-Q400ET


Purifi 1ET400A amplifier
4 Channels
4x400W @ 4Ω

Find out more about the HPA-Q400ET
Comparison of Audiophonics HPA amplifiers
NameAmplification typeNumber of channelsAmplifier brandAmplifier modelOutput powerInputsOutputsTriggerOPAPrice
HPA-Q250NCClass D4Hypex NCore2x NC252MP4x250W @ 4Ω
4x150W @ 8Ω
4x XLRSpeaker outputStandard1090€ (TTC)
HPA-S250NCClass D2Hypex NCore2x NC250MP2x250W @ 4Ω
2x130W @ 8Ω
2x XLR
2x RCA
Speaker outputStandard799€ (TTC)
HPA-S400ET Sparkos EditionClass D2Purifi2x 1ET400A2x425W @ 4Ω
2x227W @ 8Ω
2x XLR
2x RCA
Speaker outputSparkos1790€ (TTC)
HPA-S500NCClass D2Hypex Hypex NCore2x NC500MP2x500W @ 4Ω
2x270W @ 8Ω
2x RCA
2x XLR
Speaker outputStandard999€ (TTC)
HPA-S600NCXClass D2Hypex NCore2x NCx5002x600W @ 4Ω
2x300W @ 8Ω
2x RCA
2x XLR
Speaker outputStandard1349€ (TTC)
HPA-DM500NILClass DDouble monoHypex NilaiNilai500DIY2x500W @ 4Ω
2x250W @ 8Ω
2x RCA
2x XLR
Speaker outputStandard2190€ (TTC)
HPA-DM750ETClass DDouble monoPurifi2x 1ET9040BA2x750W @ 4Ω
2x375W @ 8Ω
2x RCA
2x XLR
Speaker outputStandard2990€ (TTC)
HPA-H250NCClass D6Hypex NCore3x NC252MP6x250W @ 4Ω
6x150W @ 8Ω
6x XLRSpeaker outputStandard1490€ (TTC)
HPA-S450ETClass D2Purifi2x 1ET6525SA2x450W @ 4Ω
2x230W @ 8Ω
2x XLR
2x RCA
Speaker outputStandard1490€ (TTC)
HPA-S500ETClass D2Purifi2x 1ET7040SA2x500W @ 4Ω
2x250W @ 8Ω
2x XLR
2x RCA
Speaker outputStandard1790€ (TTC)
HPA-T450ETClass D3Purifi33x 1ET62525SA3x450W @ 4Ω
2x230W @ 8Ω
3x XLR
3x RCA
Speaker outputStandard1990€ (TTC)
HPA-S400ETClass D2Purifi2x 1ET400A2x425W @ 4Ω
2x227W @ 8Ω
2x XLR
2x RCA
Speaker outputStandard1390€ (TTC)
HPA-S400NCClass D2Hypex NCore2x NC4002x400W @ 4Ω
2x200W @ 8Ω
2x XLR
2x RCA
Speaker outputStandard1690€ (TTC)
HPA-S600NCClass D2Hypex NCore2x NC5002x600W @ 4Ω
2x300W @ 8Ω
2x RCA
2x XLR
Speaker outputStandard990€ (TTC)
HPA-T400ETClass D3Purifi3x 1ET400A3x425W @ 4Ω
3x227W @ 8Ω
3x XLRSpeaker outputStandard1890€ (TTC)
HPA-S300NILClass D2Hypex Nilai2x Nilai500DIY2x300W @ 4Ω
2x250W @ 8Ω
2x RCA
2x XLR
Speaker outputStandard1690€ (TTC)
HPA-Q400ETClass D4Purifi4x 1ET400A4x425W @ 4Ω
4x227W @ 8Ω
4x XLRSpeaker outputStandard2490€ (TTC)

LPA power amplifiers

Our LPA power amplifier range offers models with an intermediate form factor, deeper rather than wider. They also benefit from a solid technical base to deliver both high power and excellent sound performance.

Amplificateur de puissance Audiophonics LPA-S600NCX

Audiophonics LPA-S600NCX

Hypex NCore NCx500 amplifier
2x600W @ 4Ω

Find out more about the LPA-S600NCX
Amplificateur de puissance Audiophonics LPA-M750ET

Audiophonics LPA-M750ET

Purifi 1ET9040BA amplifier
1x750W @ 4Ω

Find out more about the LPA-M750ET
Amplificateur de puissance Audiophonics LPA-S450ET

Audiophonics LPA-S450ET

Purifi 1ET652SA amplifier
2x450W @ 4Ω

Find out more about the le LPA-S450ET
Amplificateur de puissance Audiophonics LPA-S400ET

Audiophonics LPA-S400ET


Purifi 1ET400A amplifier
2x400W @ 4Ω

Find out more about the LPA-S400ET
Amplificateur de puissance Audiophonics LPA-S500NC

Audiophonics LPA-S500NC


Hypex NCore NC502MP amplifier
2x500W @ 4Ω

Find out more about the LPA-S500ET
Amplificateur de puissance Audiophonics LPA-S600NC

Audiophonics LPA-S600NC


Hypex NCore NC500 amplifier
2x600W @ 4Ω

Find out more about the LPA-S600NC
Audiophonics LPA amplifier comparison
NameAmplification typeNumber of channelsAmplifier brandAmplifier modelOutput powerInputsOutputsTriggerOPAPrice
LPA-S600NCXClass D2NCore2x NCx5002x600W @ 4Ω
2x300W @ 8Ω
2x XLR
2x RCA
Speaker outputsStandard1090€ (TTC)
LPA-M750ETClass D1Purifi1x 1ET9040BA1x750W @ 4Ω
1x375W @ 8Ω
1x XLR
1x RCA
Speaker outputsStandard1490€ (TTC)
LPA-S450ETClass D2Purifi2x 1ET6525SA2x450W @ 4Ω
2x230W @ 8Ω
2x XLR
2x RCA
Speaker outputsStandard1290€ (TTC)
LPA-S400ETClass D2Purifi2x 1ET400A2x425W @ 4Ω
2x227W @ 8Ω
2x RCA
2x XLR
Speaker outputsStandard1190€ (TTC)
LPA-S500NCClass D2NCoreNC502MP2x500W @ 4Ω
2x350W @ 8Ω
2x RCA
2x XLR
Speaker outputsStandard749€ (TTC)
LPA-S600NCClass D2NCoreNC5002x600W @ 4Ω
2x300W @ 8Ω
2x RCA
2x XLR
Speaker outputsStandard990€ (TTC)

MPA power amplifiers

This time, the MPA range sets itself apart by offering the most compact, space-saving yet high-performance and powerful enclosures. With dimensions of just 141x357x65mm, these amplifiers will have no trouble finding a place even in small spaces or within already well-stocked audio systems.

Amplificateur de puissance Audiophonics MPA-M250NC

Audiophonics MPA-M250NC

Hypex NCore NC250MP amplifier
250W @ 4Ω

Find out more about the MPA-M250NC
Amplificateur de puissance Audiophonics MPA-M500NC

Audiophonics MPA-M500NC

Hypex NCore NC500MP amplifier
500W @ 4Ω

Find out more about the MPA-M400ET
Amplificateur de puissance Audiophonics MPA-S125NC RCA

Audiophonics MPA-S125NC RCA

Hypex NCore NC122MP amplifier
2x125W @ 4Ω
RCA input

Find out more about the MPA-S125NC RCA
Amplificateur de puissance Audiophonics MPA-S125NC XLR

Audiophonics MPA-S125NC XLR

Hypex NCore NC122MP amplifier
2x125W @ 4Ω
XLR input

Find out more about the MPA-S125NC XLR
Amplificateur de puissance Audiophonics MPA-S250NC RCA

Audiophonics MPA-S250NC RCA

Hypex NCore NC252MP amplifier
2x250W @ 4Ω
Entrée RCA

Find out more about the MPA-S250NC RCA
Amplificateur de puissance Audiophonics MPA-S250NC XLR

Audiophonics MPA-S250NC XLR

Hypex NCore NC252MP amplifier
2x250W @ 4Ω
Entrée XLR

Find out more about the MPA-S250NC XLR
Amplificateur de puissance Audiophonics MPA-M400ET

Audiophonics MPA-M400ET


Purifi 1ET400A amplifier
400W @ 4Ω

Find out more about the MPA-M400ET
Amplificateur de puissance Audiophonics MPA-M400NC

Audiophonics MPA-M400NC


Hypex NCore NC400 amplifier
400W @ 4Ω

Find out more about the MPA-M400ET
Audiophonics MPA amplifier comparison
NameAmplification typeNumber of channelsAmplifier brandAmplifier modelOutput powerInputsOutputsTriggerOPAPrice
MPA-M250NCClass D1NCoreNC250MP1x250W @ 4Ω
1x130W @ 8Ω
1x RCA
1x XLR
Speaker outputStandard379€ (TTC)
MPA-M500NCClass D1NCoreNC500MP1*500W @ 4Ω
1x270W @ 8Ω
1x RCA
1x XLR
Speaker outputStandard479€ (TTC)
MPA-S125NC RCAClass D2NCoreNC122MP2x125W @ 4Ω
2x75W @ 8Ω
2x RCASpeaker outputStandard399€ (TTC)
MPA-S125NC XLRClass D2NCoreNC122MP2x125W @ 4Ω
2x75W @ 8Ω
2x XLRSpeaker outputStandard399€ (TTC)
MPA-S250NC RCAClass D2NCoreNC252MP2x250W @ 4Ω
2x150W @ 8Ω
2x RCASpeaker outputStandard479€ (TTC)
MPA-S250NC XLRClass D2NCoreNC252MP2x250W @ 4Ω
2x150W @ 8Ω
2x XLRSpeaker outputStandard479€ (TTC)
MPA-M400ETClass D1Purifi1ET400A1x425W @ 4Ω
1x227W @ 8Ω
1x RCA
1x XLR
Speaker outputStandard649€ (TTC)
MPA-M400NCClass D1NCoreNC4001x400W @ 4Ω
1x200W @ 8Ω
1x XLR
1x RCA
Speaker outputStandard799€ (TTC)

AP300 power amplifiers

The AP300 range incorporates the excellent design of the HPA models in a more compact format.

Amplificateur de puissance Audiophonics AP300-M450ET

Audiophonics AP300-M450ET

Purifi 1ET6525SA amplifier
1x450W @ 4Ω

Find out more about the AP300-M450ET
Amplificateur de puissance Audiophonics AP300-250NC

Audiophonics AP300-S250NC

Hypex NCore NC252MP amplifier
2x250W @ 4Ω

Find out more about the AP300-S250NC
Amplificateur de puissance Audiophonics AP300-S125NC

Audiophonics AP300-S125NC

Hypex Ncore NC122MP amplifier
2x125W @ 4Ω

Find out more about the AP300-S125NC
Amplificateur de puissance Audiophonics AP300-S500NC

Audiophonics AP300-S500NC

Hypex NCore NC502MP amplifier
2x500W @ 4Ω

Find out more about the AP300-S500NC
Amplificateur de puissance Audiophonics AP300-S2503E

Audiophonics AP300-S2503E

3E Audio 260-2-29A PFFB amplifier
2x250W @ 4Ω

Find out more about the AP300-S2503E
Amplificateur de puissance Audiophonics AP300S-M400ET

Audiophonics AP300-M400ET


Purifi 1ET400A amplifier
400W @ 4Ω

Find out more about the AP300-M400ET
Comparison of Audiophonics AP300 amplifiers
NameAmplification typeNumber of channelsAmplifier brand Amplifier modelOutput powerInputsOutputsTriggerPrice
AP300-M450ETClass D1Purifi1ET6525SA1x450W @ 4Ω1x RCA
1x XLR
Speaker output719€ (TTC)
AP300-S250NCClass D2NCoreNC252MP2x250W @ 4Ω
2x150W @ 8Ω
1x RCA
1x XLR
Speaker output549€ (TTC)
AP300-S125NCClass D2NcoreNC122MP2x125W @ 4Ω
2x75W @ 8Ω
1x RCA
1x XLR
Speaker output449€ (TTC)
AP300-S500NCClass D2NCoreNC502MP2x500W @ 4Ω
2x350W @ 8Ω
1x RCA
1x XLR
Speaker output699€ (TTC)
AP300-S2503EClass D23E Audio260-2-29A PFFB2x250W @ 4Ω
2x150W @ 8Ω
1x XLRSpeaker output499€ (TTC)
AP300-M400ETClass D1Purifi1ET400A1x425W @ 4Ω
1x227W @ 8Ω
1x XLR
1x RCA
Speaker output669€ (TTC)

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