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Fosi Audio Contest

From December 12 to 27, 2024, try your luck at winning a Fosi Audio VOL20 volume controller worth €39.00 incl. VAT!
Audiophonics and Fosi Audio are teaming up to give you the chance to win 5 of them, so there will be up to 5 potential winners!
All you have to do to enter is buy €100 worth of Fosi Audio products between December 12 and 27, and you'll be entered in our lottery!!

Fosi Audio VOL20

Fosi Audio VOL20 Volume control knob

The Fosi Audio VOL20 is a volume control interface for controlling the volume of a multimedia source via Bluetooth or USB connection. As well as offering precise volume control, it incorporates practical features such as play/pause, previous/next and mute/unmute controls.

Discover the Fosi Audio VOL20

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