AUDIO-GD R-8 Balanced DAC 4x R2R DAC Native DSD I2S ACSS Amanero FGPA Accusilicon

This Audio-GD R8 device of an extremely careful design takes the key points of its predecessor, the R2R7 of which it inherits all the musicality with a much more contained price.

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Discrete DAC Native DSD 32/384kHz, Discrete output, FGPA, & external settings panel

GD R8 Audio DAC balanced

This is 2019 version of D77. It is equiped with the last Accusilicon 318B oscillators to upgrade the DAC precision even further than with TCXO clocks.

This device with its extremely clean design inherits all the advantages from his précecesseur the R2R7 with all its musicality and in a lower price.
<br />This very high quality DAC uses discrete components technology. This belong to Audio-GD's field of expertise and allows the device to ignore jitter and digital noise, which is a priceless value when aiming for the most neutral sound, without digital coloration.

This is mostly a much more accessible version for the least DIY audiophiles since all digital settings (sync HDMI, PLL, OS / NOS ...) can now be adjusted from the front panel.


Full upgrade version

regular version


Accusilicon Clocks

TCXO Clocks

USB Interface

Amanero USB interface Galvanic isolation Separate power for USB

Amanero USB interface

4 x dac modules

4 x DA-7 R-2R Audio-GD modules Integrated

R8 simultaneously uses four R-2R modules DA-7 to operate a decoding of rare finesse. This construction is particularly advantageous in that it decomposes the digital signal and "shares" it between a plurality of independent logic circuits.
In other words, the R8 is able to decode the 32 bits of the audio stream during a single clock cycle. Not only does this prevent accumulation of data loss due to interference but it also facilitates the critical stage of the reconstruction filter afterward.

With its construction in discrete component, the R2R technology has near zero sensitivity to jitter, unlike the increasingly widespread delta-sigma DACs. It means that the sound has very little coloration by the D / A conversion and the qualities of the source and the audio file emerge clearly.

FPGA logic circuit

The resistor network is corrected by a logic circuit FPGA. In this configuration, the conversion and reconstruction do not depend on the single analog tolerance electronic components that compose it, but takes account this very variability in the conversion process. This allows to enjoy all the "density" of the Full R2R in its most subtle details while maintaining excellent stability of the output signal.

The FPGA égalementi plays a direct role in the reception of the S / PDIF signals and processing for a result as good, if not superior to the usual modules such DIR9001, WM8805 or AK11X.

In parallel with a FIFO chip, the FPGA manages the entire reclocking from all entries, allowing a jitter suppression on all inputs.

Finally, the use of such a logic circuit gives the device the ability to offer various oversampling modes (2x, 4x, 8x and NOS) with the appropriate digital filters.

Audio GD R 8 FPGA
Galvanically isolated USB interface AMANERO

Isolated USB Amanero interface 384kHz / 32bit

The USB interface Amanero Combo 384 is an asynchronous design made to minimize as much as possible the need to resort to external noise sources. To do this, it works with a pair of low phase noise Accusilicon oscillators, a fine design when it comes to isolate the audio stream in all its clarity.

This is the second generation of Amanero interface enjoying a galvanic isolation against parasites from the USB source.

The interface has its own power supply, which eases the pressure and interference and allows to highlight the micro-details without over-treating the digital signal transmitted via USB by more dithering. This design thus preserves the sharpness of the pulse response, contributing to a deep soundstage with rigorously controlled dynamics.

The USB provides isolated Amanero DAC R8 USB interface capabilities on many audio formats such as 44.1 kHz to 384kHz / 32bit and DSD64 256.

Advanced supply stage

R 8 uses 3x high quality, low noise and low magnetic loss R-Core transformers as a power supply.

This represents a total of 130Watts of power available to power all digital parts and analog output stages.

The digital stages and receive current thanks to 13 high-speed power and low noise powering units. Output stages are powered by regulated power supply (10 units) operating in pure class A.

This construction allows all stage to operate from a clear and independent power, an essential condition to achieve superior audio quality.

DAC audio R8 GD Linear supply three transformers
R-8 Audio output stage GD 100% discrete (electronic components)

Discrete balanced output stage

The R8's output stage is constructed entirely with discrete components forming complementary transistors.

FETs mounted in parallel serve as buffer to provide a very low output impedance. This configuration makes the most of the power stage and operate all outputs in pure class A with no negative feedback, which plays a significant role on the overall sound quality.

A balanced ACSS output (Audio-GD technology with drive current by design and without feedback) is available.

The coupling is made through 4 operational amplifiers (instead of capacitors) for an extremely natural sound output. No other relay or switch separates the outputs of the circuit to maintain the signal its tinies details.


Dac panel input / output by R 8 Audio GD

The R8 Audio GD has all the connections necessary for integration into ambitious high-fidelity installations.

Respectively from left to right, the available inputs are AES / EBU, SPDIF Coaxial, Optical HDMI (I2S), USB (Amanero).

The output stage is divided into two separate stages. It offers RCA connectors, XLR and ACSS (balanced standard Audio-GD) ports.

Output Impedance- the 5ohm
Output Level2.5V (RCA)
5V (XLR)
2+2MA (ACSS)
Frequency response20Hz-100Khz
THD- 0.0005%
Input sensitivity0.5 Vp-p ( 75 Ohms, Coaxial )
19 dBm (Optique)
USB1.0 - USB3.0
RJ45 /HDMI : 3.3V
Supported sampling frequencyUSB : 44.1kHz - 384kHz /32Bit DSD64-256
I2S : 44.1kHz - 384kHz /32Bit DSD64-512
Coaxial : 44.1kHz - 192kHz /24Bit
Optique 44.1kHz - 192kHz /24Bit
Power type220-240V AC 50/60Hz
DimensionsL430 X l445 X H80
Housing100% aluminum
Parts supplied
DAC R8x1
Power cablex1
USB cablex1
Data sheet
  • I2S via HDMI
  • Optical
  • ACSS
  • RCA
  • XLR
  • Black
DAC / ADC Chip
Max sampling rate
  • 384kHz
  • DSD256
  • No
Remote Control
  • No

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Une pure merveille
Je viens de commander ce Dac sur les conseils d’une connaissance qui l’a testé et trouvait que c’était l’un des meilleurs qu’il aie entendus, y compris face à des modèles beaucoup plus chers...
Pour ma part il remplace un Dac valant le double qui me donnait beaucoup de satisfaction mais là je dois avouer que cet audio gd est carrément supérieur ! Il ne tourne chez moi que depuis 2 jours mais à chaque album qui défile c’est un enchantement, un émerveillement .
Je croyais avoir déjà re-découvert une bonne partie de mes albums mais je les re- découvre une nouvelle fois et à un cran tellement supérieur... tout est là, juste comme il le faut: détail, immersion sonore, clarté, spatialisation, présence du grave, richesse des micro informations, silence de fonctionnement et j’en passe... et pour deux fois moins cher que mon ancien Dac qui n’avait pas deux ans...
Je remercie audio gd de créer de si beaux et bons appareils à des prix accessibles, et je remercie audiophonics de nous les rendre accessibles, par ailleurs ils sont très serviables et réactifs il convient de le préciser.
C’est mon troisième appareil de cette marque, après deux amplis de puissance. À chaque fois cette impression de sérieux rien qu’au déballage du carton, quant à l écoute n’en parlons pas...
Je suis comblé et profite enfin de toutes les capacités de mes enceintes (b&w 802), j’entends enfin le son que je cherchais de puis si longtemps.
Si je pouvais mettre plus de 5 étoiles je le ferais !
This review has been posted for AUDIO-GD R-8 Balanced DAC 4x R2R DAC Native DSD I2S ACSS Amanero FGPA Accusilicon
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That's a higher level of sound reproduction...
Few weeks ago received R-8 after a year of looking at it on audiophonics web page. I noticed that there is sufficient difference with DA-8 modules based hand made DAC after several minutes of listening it, but what happened after three weeks of burn in process is hard to put into words. The sound has just came out from the speakers and all the instruments took their own places how they say =)

I have never ever heard such a spacious sound stage. All the sounds are in the air. They don't link to each other.

All this was happening after I switch the input to ACSS on my Audio-gd Master 10 amp. In RCA mode the sound stage was totally flat like there is no difference what type of DAC you're listening.

Master 10 I've got a almost a year ago. I left my feedback under it.

R-8 and Master 10 will reveal all what is hiding behind regular multi bit DACs.

No really... summarizing - you will never get anything better for this money. 4k Eur for the set but it worth much more.

Audio-GD team understand what the sound should be.
This review has been posted for AUDIO-GD R-8 Balanced DAC 4x R2R DAC Native DSD I2S ACSS Amanero FGPA Accusilicon
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Toujours imbattable
Aujourd'hui c'est l'anniversaire de mon R8....tous les jours c'est un bonheur immense d'écouter la musique en Streaming convertie par ce Fabuleux DAC R-2R.

Entre temps, j'en ai écouté des systèmes avec des lecteurs réseau ou Dacs à des prix stratosphériques dans des magasins HIGH- END ... Chaque fois j'avais l'impression qu'il y avait une couverture sur les enceintes.

Ne cherchez pas, AUDIO-GD n'est pas vendu en magasin.

Et comme cadeau d'anniversaire, j'ai offert à mon Dac l'interface numérique AUDIO-GD DI20... et là ne me demandez pas ce qui se passe sur le plan électronique, mais j'ai eu l'impression d'avoir changé de DAC.

C'est tout simplement magique, c'était parfait avant et là c'est incroyable faut écouter pour comprendre.
This review has been posted for AUDIO-GD R-8 Balanced DAC 4x R2R DAC Native DSD I2S ACSS Amanero FGPA Accusilicon
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This review has been posted for AUDIO-GD R-8 Balanced DAC 4x R2R DAC Native DSD I2S ACSS Amanero FGPA Accusilicon
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Dans la cour des grands
C est la place de cette dac a coté d appareil plus prestigieux et onereux.
Fini le son un peu numérique un peu fatiguant du sabre, plus de dureté ni d acidité. Un son quasi analogique mais peut-être plus précis. Bref NATUREL .
Quand on raccorde cette dac
a un preampli audio gd avec le cable acss on enfonce le clou et un seul mot arrive :Parfait..
Sinon : une manipulation plus simple des reglages (déjà beaucoup plus facile que les junpers)très utiles au demeurant et une prise bnc ,mais peut importe ce sont des détails. La prouesse est réalisée.

This review has been posted for AUDIO-GD R-8 Balanced DAC 4x R2R DAC Native DSD I2S ACSS Amanero FGPA Accusilicon
AUDIO-GD R-8 Balanced DAC 4x R2R DAC Native DSD I2S ACSS Amanero FGPA Accusilicon
This Audio-GD R8 device of an extremely careful design takes the key points of its predecessor, the R2R7 of which it inherits all the musicality...

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