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vincent r.

Très bon rapport qualité prix
Marche très bien est stable, par contre mettre sur streamer une alimentation externe (iFi audio iPower2 (5V)) pour gagner en...
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Noel C.

Excellentes fiches bananes
Déjà acheté plusieurs fois et toujours satisfait de cet excellent produit
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Patrice M.

Excellent produit
Acheté pour piloter une Beyerdynamic DT1990 Pro 250 ohms.
Cet ampli Dac le pilote sans aucun problème. Le son est clair et...

AUDIOPHONICS DAC I-Sabre ES9038Q2M Raspberry Pi / I2S & SPDIF / PCM DSD USB-C Power Supply - reviews - There are 27 reviews.

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Bengt N.

Absolutely outstanding, BUT...
I am extremely happy with this product, the sound is excellent.
However, the display function has one major flaw. It shows the sampling rate in large characters, readable form the listening position. The sampling rate is not so interesting. The VOLUME on the other hand, is much more useful but it is displayed in so small characters that it is unreadable.
If a new version of this product would be released that displays the VOLUME in readable characters, I would buy it just for that.
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Robert G.

First I had the old I-SABRE V4 DAC ES9023 TCXO. I t was ok, but I have added Kali reclocker. That was a nice improvement in clarity. Then I added battery power and again it was noticeably better, cleaner. Then I replaced the DAC with the new I-Sabre ES9038Q2M and it is another clearly audible improvement. There is nothing more in the sound, I'd say it's the opposite. There is less bloat. Everything is more controlled and precise, bass is less boomy, the overall presentation is more clear and there is more audible detail on top, but everything is still smooth without any harshness. Nice DAC!
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Jérôme L.

au top
La carte est géniale, le rendu est vraiment bon. J'ai déjà un raspdac mini qui est équipé avec celle-ci je commande donc les yeux fermés
Juste dommage qu'il n'y ai pas les entretoises vendu avec.
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Phil D.

Fantastic device
I had a RaspDAC with Sabre Es9023 that I have upgraded to use this HAT. I also have a Denafrips Ares II DAC with Pi2AES streamer and using Topping pre90 and Perreaux 2150 power amp into B&W Matrix 804 speakers. I just spent the evening comparing the upgraded RaspDAC (with linear power supply) to the pi2Aes/Ares II. I was expecting the RaspDAC to come off 2nd by a long way, but iit was much closer than I thought. I would not have spent the money on the pi2AES/Ares II had I heard this DAC before. The pi2AES/Ares II is clearly better but this DAC comes close. Great detail and super smooth with no sibilant hardness. An absolute audio bargain!
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Bengt N.

Superb DAC its outstanding control
I can agree on all positive reviews, plus the excellent control possibilities such as the optional volume control. I have not tested the I2C input yet, but it is tempting to try. This DAC is perfect for my 4 channel DSP crossover filter. Recommended!
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Gerard G.

Bon produit
Bien que je n'aie pas trouvé de différence à l'écoute avec le ES9028, ce DAC fonctionne bien.
A noter que je n'exploite pas encore toutes ses possibilités.
Seul reproche, le connecteur à 40 broches qui a été soudé complètement de travers, cela ne gêne pas le fonctionnement mais c'est très moche.
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Lars N.

Amazing sound
This DAC together with a Raspberry Pi 4b and LibreElec OS (Kodi) is a fantastic combination.
You can play Tidal/Spotify with Airplay or high res music thought USB media.
Carefully selected this DAC to be the source in my extreme setup
I use a 12V/85Ah AGM battery with a 5,1V/3A custom built voltage regulator as power source.

The power amplifier is a custom built Jean Hiraga class A design, also battery powered iwth 2x12V/85Ah AGM battery.

There are no noise at all even close to the speakers.
The soundstage is wide open and tight with realistic sound.
Placement of instruments/voice in the soundstage is stunning.
The bass is really deep and treble soft but natural.

I can really recommend this DAC, it´s true what Audiophonics say, this DAC has an outstanding sound.

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Mads L.

The sound is superb.
This card is superb, I've used id for several streamers, both headless, 5"oled and 7" lcd. Makes gread small players, with great sound. Build in wooden cabinets with integrated liniar PSU's.
Correct, 4 spacer could be nice, and a a few notes on setup.
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Axel A.

Missing Spacers
A bit disappointing at the price, the spacers for mounting the Pi are missing. Documentation could be better. Sound is good, what a surprise. ;-)

Un peu décevant au niveau du prix, les entretoises pour le montage du Pi manquent. La documentation pourrait être meilleure. Le son est bon, quelle surprise ;-)
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Jakub P.

Very, very good DAC
Well, one year passed since I bought this DAC, and everything works perfect. There weren`t any problems with it. Sound quality is amazing, especially if the DAC is powered properly (by linear power supply). Take in consideration playing DSD files, then Audiophonics spreads its wings.
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Katsuhiko H.

Finally found the real sound of ES9038Q2M!
In Japan where I live, you can find copy products of unknown manufacturer without technical specifications at Amazon Japan, etc., but I found your site where original product development complete with technical materials, I ordered immediately. I was very surprised that it was delivered from France to my home in just 5 days.
I just docked it with the Raspberry Pi 4B and listened to Spotify Premium on Volumio, and I'm really happy with the sound of the real ES9038Q2M. A wonderful sound similar to the finest Bordeaux wine.
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Katsuhiko H.

Finally found the real sound of ES9038Q2M!
In Japan where I live, you can find copy products of unknown manufacturer without technical specifications at Amazon Japan, etc., but I found your site where original product development complete with technical materials, I ordered immediately. I was very surprised that it was delivered from France to my home in just 5 days.
I just docked it with the Raspberry Pi 4B and listened to Spotify Premium on Volumio, and I'm really happy with the sound of the real ES9038Q2M. A wonderful sound similar to the finest Bordeaux wine.
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Katsuhiko H.

Finally found the real sound of ES9038Q2M!
In Japan where I live, you can find copy products of unknown manufacturer without technical specifications at Amazon Japan, etc., but I found your site where original product development complete with technical materials, I ordered immediately. I was very surprised that it was delivered from France to my home in just 5 days.
I just docked it with the Raspberry Pi 4B and listened to Spotify Premium on Volumio, and I'm really happy with the sound of the real ES9038Q2M. A wonderful sound similar to the finest Bordeaux wine.
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Yassin B.

Excellent product
do the job

I've created a capsule corp (DBZ) case for 3d printer.


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Zeferino I.

Very good DAC card
The DAC card I use with a Raspi 4 4GB.
The card I use with WebRadio V2 current version 0.3.9 and must say really that it works very well ...........
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Pirmin B.

Excellent choix
J ai acheté ce dac en kit raspdac mini. J ai été directement bluffé par le son détaillé et naturel et la scène sonore. En comparaison directe avec un dac intégré d'un ampli rotel à 2000 euros, la différence se limitait un son un peu moins dynamique dans les graves extrêmes. Ceci pouvant certainement être amélioré par une bonne alimentation 5v. Sous dietpi avec lms, ce petit dac fait merveille. Et maintenant que le driver est enfin intégré au kernel Linux et avec le raspberry pi 4, s'offre la possibilité de créer un système htpc et nas haute fidélité ! Merci à l'équipe d audiophonics pour le travail du driver.
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John B.

Superb product
Bought as a replacement for the AUDIOPHONICS I-SABRE V4 DAC ES9023. I use it on a Raspberry Pi powered by a linear power supply running PiCorePlayer streaming wirelessly from another Raspberry Pi running LMS under Max2Play.

It is a definite upgrade. Firstly, it is simpler to commission than the previous model. No faffing around with external on/off switches. (I power it off by turning off the mains block that serves the whole system.)

Secondly, it integrates easily and perfectly with PiCorePlayer.

The sound is different to the previous model. Clearer, more analytical. More urgent. It make the previous model, which still sounds excellent, sound smoother, but milder.

Anyway, highly recommended and a relatively inexpensive upgrade .

(I'm also using a ES9038Q2M board connected to my ancient (25 yrs old) Pioneer PDS901 CD player and experienced similar effects.)
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John M.

John Zwolle
Perfect sound!
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Christophe B.

Belle évolution et excellent dac
Possédant le hat 9023 en tcxo et en plus le smsl m8 en essayant 9018 contre toutes attentes le 9038 va plus loin et est bien meilleur testés sur plusieurs oreilles le verdict est sans appel il est plus doux dans les aigus moins brillant ou clinquant , moins flatteur mais plus liquide plus analogique en sommes. La scène sonore est très agréable les voix aussi. franchement je voulais m'orienter sur de l'akm très belle découverte que ce 9038q2m en hat Raspberry.
Conditions: Pi3b volumio et alim AUDIOPHONICS dédiée ampli casque AUDIOPHONICS en classe A cf test qobuz et toute la gamme momentum Sennheiser filaire y est passée , testé sur klipsch rf82 et atohm eurus et ampli Pioneer et smsl 2.1
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Anders M.

High quality DAC for Raspberry Pi
Fantastic DAC - this is my 4th Audiophonics DAC; I have never been disappointed. Installed on a Raspberry Pi 3B with piCorePlayer 4.1.0 audio core, it plays high resolution PCM (tested with 352.6k files) and DSD files currently up to DSD128 (5.6M) with the I-Sabre ES9028 dtoverlay/driver - remember to enable the 384k option in Card Comtrol. The DSD option (DSDOUT="-D") needs to be set from outside piCorePlayer using the Audiophonics tutorial (http://forum.audiophonics.fr/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=1952&p=7956#p7956) as piCoprePlayer - to my knowledge - currently does not allow this option to be set from the web interface.
The sound image is naturally rich and very clear with music instruments and voices clearly place in the sound image. Makes it worth listening to good music :-)
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Jean-Philippe C.

bon DAC
Bon DAC qui, en écoute comparative, n'a rien a envier au allo Katana. Je n'ai cela-dit pas écouté le Katana avec 2 à 3 alimentations tel que c'est recommandé par le constructeur.
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Robert B.

Very warm and detailed dac
I've seen the Hans Beekhuyzen video and want to see of this dac 9038 was even better than my 9018 Audiophonics
Lower Bass is warmer, midbass preciser, mids are more clear and high's could be a tiny more crisp but all details are there. Maybe my amplifier is never aggressive.
The 9038 is never to sharp no S sounds en very good sounding.
Both card works good with Picoreplayer 3.5.0
The eq in Pcp can be used for a tasteful treble.
It was a little upgrade with instead of the 9018.
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Jean Claude A.

un des meilleurs DAC de la catégorie
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Erik A.

Nice sound
I really like the sound of this DAC.
very detailed but never harsh sound. 3D is pretty good.
Connected to Pi makes it very versatile and I will probably never by a ready made over priced network player again. 5 stars easy!
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Claude T.

J'ai acheté le 9038 en remplacement du 9028, à vrai dire pas trop convaincu ! J'avais tort, très nette amélioration.
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Ian M.

Happy ears
Very happy with the sound. Would buy this again
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Jean François B.

Superbe son
J'ai acheté ce DAC en remplacement de mon 9018 couplé à un Allo-Kali. Je n'ai pas remis le Allo-Kali puisque cela pose problème avec la lecture des DVD. Malgré cela, ce DAC simplement couplé à un Raspberry m'apporte une scène encore plus détaillée et un superbe gain au niveau de la dynamique !
Et je peux enfin régler le son sans perte de qualité en utilisant Volumio et le plugin spécifique !
AUDIOPHONICS DAC I-Sabre ES9038Q2M Raspberry Pi / I2S & SPDIF / PCM DSD USB-C Power Supply
Audiophonics offers you the successor of the DAC I-Sabre 9028 now with the ES9038Q2M chip. The ES9038Q2M allows outstanding sound performance...

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