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vincent r.

Très bon rapport qualité prix
Marche très bien est stable, par contre mettre sur streamer une alimentation externe (iFi audio iPower2 (5V)) pour gagner en...
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Noel C.

Excellentes fiches bananes
Déjà acheté plusieurs fois et toujours satisfait de cet excellent produit
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Patrice M.

Excellent produit
Acheté pour piloter une Beyerdynamic DT1990 Pro 250 ohms.
Cet ampli Dac le pilote sans aucun problème. Le son est clair et...

AUDIOPHONICS MPA-S250NC XLR Power Amplifier Class D Stereo Ncore NC252MP 2x250W 4 Ohm - reviews - There are 39 reviews.

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Szabolcs D.

Very flat, clean and powerful amp. Ideal companion for passive studio monitors. My ATCs came to life with this amplifier. The overall soundstage became more forward, widescreen, direct, firm and uncoloured compared to my previous A/B amp. I was affraid my snobbish and picky speakers would hate it, but the exact opposite happened.
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Hessel L.

Very good amplifier for the money
It’s a massive difference compared to the Onkyo receiver I had previously. Much more detail and dynamic range driving some B&W CDM7 SE’s. Very happy with the amp, especially at this price point.
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Eric z.

qualité - prix
commander lundi livré mercredi !!!!!, par rapport à un SMSL AO200 MKII on passe à un niveau suppérieur surtout au niveau contrôle des graves, 38 cm sur mes enceintes,tout plus homogène même si le SMSL ne démérite pas, je confirme , comme beaucoup, Audiophonics nous a fait un ampli d'un excellent rapport qualité/prix, j'ose imaginer si un jour je passe à un "Purifi " peut être ????
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Ammar j.

Excellent amplifier
Small, lightweight, clean power into any reasonable impedance, at a great price.
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Benjamin P.

Amazing sound quality, fast delivery!
It is absolutely amazing what these class-d (Hypex) amplifiers can achieve nowadays. Compared to my class a-team this is even better and for a fraction of the price. At first, I could not believe what I heard, how the amp just absolutely “controls” my speakers, but after one week I am sure this is just wonderful. I think I need another one!
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Michael F.

In alles Belangen eine absolut hervorragende Endstufe die auch weit über ihren Kaufpreis konkurrenzlos ist, eine Dicke Empfehlung !
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Ilari M.

Very good amplifier…Great valuue for money….
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Christophe v.

Audiophonics MPA-S250NC XLR
Sur les conseils d'audiophonics, et ce pour remplacer un ampli à tubes, cet amplificateur est très bon avec mon preampli Atoll pr5.1, et mes enceintes Warfedale e50.
Le son est très dynamique, équilibré et détaillé.
J'ai fait aussi un essai avec des enceintes BW 702.S3 et preampli Audio GD master 1. L'ampli arrivait à driver les enceintes, ce qui est étonnant pour un ampli de si petit gabarit, mais par contre, la restitution n'était vraiment pas top.
Tout ceci pour dire que cet ampli est vraiment une aubaine au prix proposé, et en association avec un équipement hifi standard.
Il satisfera facilement les oreilles exigeantes.
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Helmut W.

Habe seit ein paar Tagen diese Endstufe, was soll ich sagen,
diese Endstufe ist der Hammer. Alles funktioniert tadellos
kein Rauschen in den Boxen. Versorge damit meine
Klipsch 8000 Standboxen und die hören sich tatsächlich noch besser an.
Die Bestellung ohne Probleme und die Kommunikation mit dem Verkäufer 1a.
Kann diese Endstufe und den Verkäufer bestens empfehlen!
Hoffe ich konnte euch bei der Entscheidung etwas helfen.
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Florian R.

Works beautifully
...the Amp is absolutely stunning. I use it for mastering in my home studio. Never had such transparent Stereo separation and controlled Bass before. I Use it with a pair of ATC SCM12 Pro. 250W are enough to play music very loudly with my ATC's

Thank you!
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Alex C.

Perfect amp
I have this driving a pair of KEF Q350s and they are perfect. Noise free. Incredible detail at any volume.
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Eemeli T.

Very fast delivery - ordered on thursday, package was delivered on monday morning. Nice! What was not that nice was the way amplifier was packed. I was amazed that my amp was in one piece since there was virtually no padding in the outer box.

What comes to the sound and overall build quality of this amp, is pretty amazing and impressive, especially considering the price. So far very pleased with the product itself. Time will tell how durable it is.
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Laurent P.

J'ai cet ampli depuis 2 ans maintenant et il me satisfait toujours autant !
Il fonctionne tous les jours de 15h à 22h30 et du matin jusqu au soir les week-ends.

Dès que vous changez de source, cela s'entend donc pour moi cet ampli est transparent .
Tres bonne dynamique avec de beaux medium et une spacialisation que j'apprecie !
Zero bruit de fonctionnement et de souffle dans mes enceintes de 95db (magnat transpuls 1500)
Si je devais changer aujourd'hui cela serai pour le nc 400 / 500 ou 600 pour etre sûr de ne rien perdre en voulant me faire plaisir et peut etre gagner encore ! la puissance apporte normalement plus de détails et de peps !

Merci audiophonics pour cette petite boîte qui embarque juste le principale pour faire de la musique.
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Gustavo M.

So Far So Good!
I am from the US (east coast). Ordered on a Wednesday (before 11 am UTC) and got it Friday morning!!! Unbelievable delivery speed!!! Ordered some cables at the same time from Amazon (I have Prime) and got them Saturday...
Regarding the amplifier, too soon to tell, but so far it's working great. Amazing audio and excellent built quality! Congratulations AudioPhonics!
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Szilard M.

Cleanness and transparent sound with power
This is the first time I ordered this Hypex module based amplifier of Audiophonics and I don't regret it. It arrived into to a luxurious home's audiophile system and the owner (a friend of mine) was blown away by the quality and cleanness of sound. Excellent product, thank you Hypex, thank you Audiophonics.
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Bartosz S.

Superb power amplifier
Small box but really big sound. It has plenty of power and great control. In my music system it works with Atoll CD100SE2, Audio GD NFB 1 AMP and Paradigm SE3. I am really satisfied with the sound.
AUDIOPHONICS MPA-S250NC XLR has my strong recommendation!
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Shinji u.

Very satisfied with the product.
The packaging was well thought out to withstand international shipping.
enjoying listening to it every day.
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Remus Andrei S.

Great amplifier for the price
I was convinced of getting a Hypex nCore NC252Mp after reading the review of Archimago about it and the reviews on Audio Science Review of the hypex ncore amp. Audiophonics provided the a great build and less expensive in comparison with builds by other companies.

They power the Elac DBR-62 in my system. I cannot hear any noise coming from it, not even when I put my ear against it. It's also just slightly warm and doesn't seem to run hot.

The only things that is not clear from the pictures is how large this thing is. it's length is close to the height of the DBR-62. And from what I've seen of people who opened it, there's mostly open space in there.

Can something be done to make this more compact without sacrificing anything? I hope they consider this for future products.
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Yevhenii V.

Amazing power amp
Don't have enough hi-fi amp experience.
But this amp with hi-end killer Yulong Da8 Dac and Klipsch forte really rocks!
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Thierry G.

Ca marche très très bien !
J'ai acheté cet ampli pour alimenter une paire de Kef ls 50, j'avoue que j'avais un peu peur que ça soit montant, ça l'a été, because enceinte pas rodées, j'ai même hésité à le retourner. Et bien, j'ai bien fait de le garder, parce que 1, il y a du jus pour les alimenter et de 2, les enceintes se sont ouvertes, ça s'améliore de jours en jours, ce n'est pas du tout agressif, c'est même assez fluide, les détails sont impressionnants, ça passe de gauche à droite c'est étonnant, scène xxl, ça rempli l'espace et les voix sont incroyables. Association validé, ampli avec un RQP incroyable ! Branché en direct via xlr sur un dac Gustar A18 , source pc via Foobar en coax.
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Ian S.

Definite improvement, great value
My current amp is based on the Hypex UCD180 but I had the urge to try an Ncore. This one seemed very reasonably priced. Using the same pre amp I plugged the Ncore in and the improvement was immediately obvious. More powerful, expected, but also better all round, delicate when required, better imaging,width and depth, and clear as a bell without ever being harsh. Turn the volume way up and it just gets louder without distortion.
A real powerhouse but with finesse.
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Julius v.

Great amp for great price!
Replaced a REGA amp, and the sound is so much clearer! Love this little amp!
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Damien G.

Très bon produit
Je trouves cet amplificateur très musicale, dynamique et puissant.
Le grave est parfaitement maîtrisé.
Même à volume élevé, il ne chauffe que très peu, (à peine tiède).
Un très bon rapport qualité / prix.
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Agréablement surpris
Malgré les avis positifs, je ne m'attendais pas à un son si agréable. En effet il y a cette précision et cette douceur qui l'accompagne. Très bonne surprise pour de la classe D.
Je n'ai pas testé sa capacité à contrôler de grosses enceintes car je possède des modèle bibliothèques. En tout cas je valide le fait qu'en terme de rapport qualité prix il est très très bon
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Huy T.

Excellent Amp for the price
Nice clean sound. It's transparent. More than enough power for a stereo system or for a receiver to boost secondary speakers. It never gets hot and only stays slightly warm.

The switch in the back turns the amp into standby mode and the button on the front turns it on. The light surrounding the button is white. It came with a EU power cord and no adapter for US buyers. It was packaged well and was delivered in 4 days to the US.
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Luis C.

Clean, uncolored power
I'm amazed that this relatively small amplifier can output such an amount of power without breaking a sweat, it doesn't even get hot to the touch! Class D is the way forward for amplifiers, no doubt. Completely transparent sound, no distortion or coloration.

A few small nitpicks: the feet of the amp slide around quite a bit, they are not rubber-coated. The rear panel is quite cramped, making it difficult to swap cables. This is a side effect of the small size of the amp, so it's understandable.
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T D.

Very good stereo amp
I am using this ncore stereo amp MPA-250nc in my bedroom together with audiolab 8200cdq and the combo is terrific. Sound is very punchy and dynamic. No harshness and you can turn up the volume to high levels and the sound stays good. I am using it with monitor audio gx50 loudspeakers.
I have had many amps (plinius, emotiva, denon) and this ncore amp is very good in comparison. I am thinking to replace my emotiva xpr-5 with purifi based amps in the future for the living room as well. Highly recommended.
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Phillip F.

upgrading to 5-star
I bought one of these for my stereo rig. It performs beautifully and reliably.
I like it so much that I've ordered 2 more to update my 4.1 surround system to an efficient, powerful class D setup.
Other class D modules from Hypex and Purifi might measure better but I doubt that I could hear the difference.
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Peter D.

Superb sound and value
I came from an ICE-power amp that was very similar in size (-10W). It cost more, but was older, too. That said, this little guy performs beautifully, it is the most honest amp I have ever had. An even earlier amp that I have enjoyed is the Parasound A23. Neither of the aforementioned amps comes close to what the little Ncore delivers. The channel separation makes me wish I could afford dual mono, but this one is great at it. The whole soundstage opened up a bit more and I thought that was one of the good aspects of my ICE power amp. Instrument separation improved, too. It seems as there is a bit more air around each one. That they are more localized across the stage.

As I listen in a near field setup, I don't have the depth I would like in my room, but again it delivers every bit that is there, almost to the point where there is the illusion that it goes a bit deeper than the wall. The biggest increases are twofold. For only 10 more watts than the ICE power the dynamics are far better than I have ever had... even with the Parasound that has almost twice the power. The biggest change, most dramatic, was what I call the honesty of the sound. It comes closer than any amp I have ever owned for its honest, natural sound. That also means that some work that I used to enjoy I avoid now- too unpleasant. The amount of honest, natural, unvarnished sound it delivers I find uncanny, for me a first. For the first time I have an amp that is neither warm or cold, it is delivering the music in a better, more honest manner than I am accustomed to hearing. All with an energy that amazes me given that it really doesn't have a lot of horsepower.

If there is a negative, it is as a review stated, the rounding of the leading edge of the notes. I take this to be a conscious decision by the designer, but that is just my guess. The problem, if it is not done exactly right, is that it can really annoy a guy like me immediately... if not sooner. Edgy, brittle I have no interest in, so while they are not there, even though the DAC I have does that little aspect superbly, it is not a deal breaker. The music still has a natural energy, life to itself that I find a breath of fresh air.

There is one real negative though and it has nothing to do with the sound, but rather the esthetics of the circle of light on the switch. Too raw, bright and thick... no finesse visually for a little amp that exudes finesse with its sound... oh well, can't have it all at this point... so I will settle for what counts- most of the great stuff and a very fair price.
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Vladimir J.

I have an nc400 and now an MPA-250NC. I can't tell the difference between amplifiers :-).
Hypex, Audiophonics good job :-)

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Peter M.

This is a great amplifier, the case is solid and professional and the sound is excellent. I was disappointed that Audiophonics sent me a European power cable that is not compatible in North America even though I noted on my order that I am in Canada and require North American power compatibility. I was lucky I had an old computer power cable that seems to work alright. Also Canadians be aware that the courier will require HST on delivery and factor that in to your budget. Overall I am very happy too bad the cable was wrong that costs 1 star!
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Phillip F.

first impression: exceptional value
I bought this on the strength of a very positive review of this module in a DIY application in Archimago's blog.
It took a long time to get it, thanks to the pandemic, but once in stock, delivery was quick and painless.
The unit is self is incredibly small, runs very cool, is dead quiet, and sounds as good as any amplifier I've used. I despise subjective audiophile descriptions, so will merely say that in terms of detail, dynamics and lack of irritation, I can't fault it. It also looks very good (although the "on" light is a bit bright - that is common these days.)
At the price, even including shipping and Canadian tax, it's a phenomenal bargain.
I'm giving it 4 stars because it has to prove its reliability, and also because I would like to measure its performance first.
Bravo Audiophonics!
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Christoffer P.

Excellent amp
I have been using this amp for a few weeks now and can only praise it. It has plenty of clean power to drive my system and no audible distortion. XLR connections work nicely.
Package was wrapped very good with nothing moving around.
Took more than two months after order to get, but that was more to do with the current COVID situation. Customer service answered my questions well enough when order took longer than anticipated. But a little more information without having to ask would be nice.
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Philippe D.

Mon dernier amplificateur
Cet ampli classe D offre le meilleur de la classe A/B en termes de réalisme des timbres et des FDA en termes de détails et d'impact du grave.
Tout n'est pas parfait cependant. Les connecteurs d'enceinte, bien que de très bonne qualité, ne sont pas bien alignés et la forme du boîtier un peu étrange et peu élégante : le boitier est très long avec une toute petite façade.
Par contre la qualité sonore est vraiment exceptionnelle, il alimente sans effort mes enceintes colonnes ou bibliothèque (88db/W.m) sans chauffer. Il est aussi étonnement léger.
Je l'utilise sans pré amplificateur, directement en sortie d'un dac Topping dx3 qui me sert aussi à régler le volume. Je conseille aussi la version Xlr (câble RCA vers xlr) . Bref un ampli exceptionnel à prix raisonnable.
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Taro I.

Very satisfied
I read a lot about Hypex NCore amp modules, and I went with this economical, pre-built module, with 12v trigger-in. I placed my order in late December, and received it about a month later, after waiting for some back-order. The sound from this amplifer, with TOPPING DX7 Pro DAC feeding the input, and B&W 685 on the output is so much better than what I had with Marantz NR1403 I used previously. There is so much more base, and everything sounds clearer, with more information. This is motivating me to consider buying a new set of speakers.
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Teddy Thamrin C.

Great Sound, Great Value
Great sounding amp with great casework aesthetic. Plays reasonably loud on my Focal Aria 906 bookshelf speakers without clipping and without added distortion. High frequencies on this Hypex Ncore amp are much cleaner compared to ICEpower modules. Overall a great value and another great product from Audiophonics.
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Alexandre C.

Produit d'exception à tarif raisonnable
Ampli de puissance de grande qualité, bien construit.
A l'écoute, neutralité, transparence, image stéréo en 3D.
Aucun registre n'est mis en avant, tout se déploie avec naturel et douceur.
A marier impérativement avec un pré-ampli aux qualités équivalentes et là, vous rentrez dans le vrai monde de la haute fidélité.
Se compare aisément avec des modèles Hi-End de plusieurs milliers d'euros.
Merci Audiophonics de nous proposer se genre de matériel.
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Oleg K.

Excellent product.
Very good sound quality.
The sound is neutral, unpainted and very detailed.
There is no fatigue from sound. No excess brightness.
If someone uses RCA, you can use the wire XLR to RCA.
By sound, this low-cost power amplifier matches Class A / AB amplifiers worth more than 1,500 -2000 euros.
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Oleg K.

Quality goods.
Neutral but detailed sound. Fast and very low bass
No brightness. The sound is not tiring.
Its rating is comparable with analog class a / ab amplifiers over 1000-3000 euro.
Works fine with wire XLR to RCA.
You can connect directly to the DAC if you adjust the volume using the DAC
AUDIOPHONICS MPA-S250NC XLR Power Amplifier Class D Stereo Ncore NC252MP 2x250W 4 Ohm
The Audiophonics MPA-S250NC XLR is a stereo amplifier based on an amplification module Hypex Ncore NC252MP. This solution is ideal for anyone who...

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