No words! First of all, I put a single clock on Ian Canada's dualxo board, with a very good linear feed and Ian Canada's ADM715X regulator. The result was very good: the scene was clearly going forward and upwards, more air between the instruments and more detail, the reverberations of the recording were especially noticeable. After improving the feeding with Ian Cada Lifepo4 and UCconditioner MKII the change has been even more spectacular, highlighting that there is still more clarity in the recordings, and my system is already very transparent, but what stands out the most is the considerable increase in bass. I have a system with coxial speakers and ripol subwoofer, the theory says that I should not have a seismic bass, typical of closed boxes, but surprisingly and inexplicably it has appeared with the change of power. I have to say that my system is very good and I have some amazing speaker cables, I don't know if the effect on more modest systems can be just as good.
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M A.
nice quality and works fine already bought several ian canada products and just like this one it really adds something and a very good quality. use this in combination ian canada PurePi to 3.3 volt input FifiPi MA.
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