Very good power supply. Adjustment is stable. Almost no heat dissipation with the right transformer.
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Michel a.
fine power module the module perfectly meets my expectations, is easy to set up and therefore keeps exactly the value, even under load.
despite the corona problems, I quickly had the power module at home.
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Michalis B.
Great PSU It works perfect! This unit replace an old psu with the classic DC regulators LM317 / LM337. Somebody here at reviews ask if can works as symmetrical + -v power supply. The answer is absolutely YES! Works for me exactly as i was need. With AC 10V in every side, i have exactly + - 7.5 V OUTPUT! The only thing you MUST do is to put a jumper from - to + exactly in the middle of the board (at output side), and grounding this point!
Also, no ripple, and imidiatly you can listen your difference from your old power supply! Thank you Audiophonics for your products!
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Patrick d.
Great well build product for the money Great well build product for the money. As far as I was able to measure ripple free output.
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Filippo T.
Good PSU I checked the PSU at 18V output and results are very good, undetectable ripple and stable voltage.
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Yannick M.
je voulais savoir si cette alimentation est bien symétrique , + et - 3 à 20V
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