excellent board!! Before this board I tried the Audiophonics 5V LPSU. I use them to power my Chord 2GO/2YU streamer. The Audiophonics made a great upgrade over the standard switching psu, but this board made an incredible upgrade over the Audiophonics, it is at another level, clearly superior details and natural sound!!
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Philippe J.
Alim puissante, seul reproche la connexion en entrée n'accepte pas les grosses sections .
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Markus F.
Very happy with this board I use this board together with an 9 Volts R-Core transformer to power up a Raspberry Pi 3 with Hifiberry DAC Pro and a 7 inch official display. I am able to hear a difference between this power supply an the Meanwell power supply that i have used before. For me ,now it sounds a little bit more dynamic, while the Meanwell is a little bit "discrete" . The technical support helped me a lot to find the correct components ,a big "thank you " to you guys from Audiophonics.
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Jon N.
Fabulous Board--Thanks This is an excellent power board. Made with great components and just right for DAC projects. Really fast turn around and well shipped. Very responsive to questions. Thanks again!
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