The best purchase I've made in many years I have heard many more expensive power cables and there has been an improvement in the sound, but this cable is to date the one...
Substandard product This DAC does not work with some CD players/transports. According to Topping, this depends on the DAC's hardware. Note that the same CD player works with other DACs, but not with this one. This is a known issue that has been discussed a lot on AudioScienceReview. In my opinion, the D30Pro is therefore a substandard product that should be withdrawn from the market, or at least potential buyers should be informed of this problem before purchase.
Message from Audiophonics service Modern dacs weren't really designed with this type of low res source in mind. Many sources using SPDIF toslink are also problematic (mostly "mass market" devices).
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Jens K.
A very strong contender I've tried and tested a LOT of cheap/mid-ranged DACs in my time and this has to be one of my all time favorites. It's a nerdy 4 DAC chip design and it presents the most convincing soundstage I've ever heard in any DAC to date. No, it's not perfect in every aspect (nothing is), but at this price point it's damn close to unbeatable. For example, it easily outshines the otherwise appraised Gustard X16 DAC, even though the latter has the upper hand vs the D30 pro when it comes to detail retrieval. A five star rating is given relative to its price - well done, Topping!
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Eric B.
son HIFI je l'ai connecté en XLR à mon topping A90, son précis ,net , qui s'exprime sans retenu avec une puissance bien présente. les voix sont chaudes ..bon achat
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