These regs have a favourable price level but there is a distinct lower level quality on the boards compared to ldovr variants. The soldering is quite sloppy with some of the regulators having an excess of solder on the connection pins.
The component values differ from that of the TI manual recommendation. The for noise critical Cset is 20x (0,47uF) to small so the advertised noise figures here cant actually be met. So these are not 0,8uV. The 2 other caps is however 10x bigger (47uF) than the smallest value recommended. Did someone mix up the values... Go figure...
These would be very nice if Cset vas altered to 10uF and the soldering and cleanliness of the product could be improved.
This review has been posted for LT3045 Linear Voltage Regulator 5V These regs have a favourable price level but there is a distinct lower level quality on the boards compared to ldovr variants. The soldering is quite sloppy with some of the regulators having an excess of solder on the connection pins.
The component values differ from that of the TI manual recommendation. The for noise critical Cset is 20x (0,47uF) to small so the advertised noise figures here cant actually be met. So these are not 0,8uV. The 2 other caps is however 10x bigger (47uF) than the smallest value recommended. Did someone mix up the values... Go figure...
These would be very nice if Cset vas altered to 10uF and the soldering and cleanliness of the product could be improved.