Avis clients

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christian b.

Et non ! ce n'est pas le câble ultime mais on en a vraiment pour son argent. Pensez, pour a peine plus que le prix...
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christian b.

Bien mais...
Connaissant et appréciant déjà le L-4E6S du même fabriquant j'ai essayé ce câble et l'ai monté avec des fiches...
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Michel P.

Très bon
Mis en aval d'alimentations à découpage stabilisées sur toute la ligne Internet et Ethernet (box-switch-décodeur). Son :...

ALLO DIGIONE SIGNATURE Lecteur réseau Raspberry Pi 4 DigiOne Signature Volumio pré-installé Noir - avis - Il y a 3 avis.

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Stefano Z.

wonderful streamer
I really wanted to ear the difference from my PC to a real streamer, and I wanted that every euro I spent for a streamer was on the streamer performance (so no DAC attached, no bells and whistles). This IS it. I usually struggle to ear differences between DACs so I was so surprised when I played the first track through the digione sig. The staging, clarity, less fatiguing sound was a huge step forward. I am totally happy.
One CONS: the preinstalled volumio was not original, so not up-gradable, so I had to buy extra hardware to flash the drive again and the extra money spent for the volumio version was a waste. You are better off choosing the roopie version and flash whatever on your own. I bought it with Nirvana, for me the result is already super satisfying, I don't feel the need to go with shanti, but I don't even know what I may be still missing, only that I am fine like this.
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Ian F.

Allo Digione SIgnature - RP4 version
Prompt service and delivery. I am using my Allo DS with a ADI-2 DAC FS and a set of Meze Empyrean headphones. Very satisfied with the pairing and the sound quality of the Allo DS.
I have previously used a RP4 and purchased a separate DAC hat, downloading Volumio and installing it, which is easy enough. This is an important point as my Allo DS arrived well packaged, but with no instructions what so ever. If I had no prior RP4 experience, it would have been a bit of a struggle.
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Aurelio Germano T.

Svolge egregiamente il suo lavoro.
In realtà le stelle dovrebbero essere 4,5....nella mia configurazione il lettore meccanico Cyrus è ancora superiore come risultato sonoro, anche se non di molto. Può dipendere da molti fattori ed anche dal software installato(volumio) che d'altra parte è un' interfaccia molto intuitivo e facile da usare. Rapporto qualità prezzo comunque eccezionale ed ottimo apparecchio.
ALLO DIGIONE SIGNATURE Lecteur réseau Raspberry Pi 4 DigiOne Signature Volumio pré-installé Noir
Dépourvu d'écran et d'interface de contrôle, ce lecteur ALLO DigiOne signature se pilote à...

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