Avis clients

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Eemeli T.

Good overall quality
Bought these to replace Norsone Arran RCA cables. The quality seems very good - the cord is quite flexible and covered with...
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Eemeli T.

Does the job
Works as supposed - simple and easy to use as atrigger device. There are a couple of setbacks, though - the device is quite...
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Håkan W.

Den är av dom bästa diy steg som jag har testat och då har jag testat många...

AUDIOPHONICS LPA-S400ET Amplificateur de Puissance Class D Stéréo Purifi 1ET400A 2x400W 4 Ohm - avis - Il y a 57 avis.

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christian b.

Acheté avec bloc stéréo purifi S400ET, je dois dire que cet ensemble est de très haut niveau musical.
Sont au rendez vous une très belle transparence, dynamique, punch,justesse et musicalité assez édifiante. On lève un voile sur le message, qui donne l'impression d'une pureté fabuleuse.
Petit bémol, chez moi cet ensemble tellement pur, souffre immédiatement de la qualité du secteur, qui se matérialise par une dynamique très atténuée, ainsi que les aigus.
À noter qu'il convient également de trouver le sens secteur de chaque appareil.
Une fois cela, si votre système est à la hauteur, c'est sublime.

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Guido M.

Really well built, powerfull, clear and engaging sound
I purchased also the Sparkos Labs SS3602 OPAs (and I requested Audiophonics team to intall the opas for me before to ship the ampli).
As a main comment I would say it is really well built and it appears solid and stable and it has a really small size compared to the big and controlled power it produces.
I took this to replace my Audio-gd Precision 3 that I loved (and still love) so much, but it had some issues in driving my "big" SF Venere. I would say the Purifi was a real upgrade in the full frequency range, starting from bass that "practically" appeared in my sound stage and reaching dynamic middle and very refined high frequencies.
What I can say is that the ampli requires a proper burn-in time to express itself properly. I'm running it since a week almost for 10 hours a day and I'm never switching it off (I can hear it improving daily in terms of bass control and mid/high clarity and detail!!!)
Thanks Audiophonics!
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Peter F.

Quality of the product 5 stars quality of the packaging no stars
Overall satisfied. The product is nicely build and the sound quality is super. However the product was put in a big carton box (not a product box) with a lot of random filling (carton, foam, plastic) it could easily have been damaged. No user manual or anything. The rubber absorbing rings for the feet (I almost throw them away with the filling) and power cord were thrown unwrapped and unprotected in the box. Just a little more attention to the wrapping and packaging would increase the excitement and trust over the product enormously. But again once connected and listening to the Music all worries and concerns are soon forgotten and the happy feeling remains.
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Roel d.

A lot of very clean power
I use the Purifi based amp together with a NAD M10 and it works flawless. The M10 has a nCore based amplifier so i was a little sceptical if the Purifi would be an upgrade or not. Well, i can say that it is. It takes the sound to the next level and it sounds a lot cleaner and more refined. The soundstage has increased and the noise floor has dropped.

To me it is a very good upgrade and i can recommend it to everyone who is looking for a serious amplifier upgrade.
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Philippe B.

Acheté 2 blocs pour une application analogue à celle de mon quasi-homonyme ci-dessous en bi-amplification active, je suis enchanté du résultat obtenu : silence de fonctionnement absolu, patate et définition à tous les étages sans une once d'agressivité (normal, la distorsion est en-dessous de l'inaudible, cf. mesures), des boîtiers juste tièdes après des heures de fonctionnement... à quoi s'ajoute la possibilité bienvenue de s'adapter à toutes les sources ligne, des préamplis hi-fi vintage jusqu'au matériel professionnel grâce au gain réglable par jumpers, de manière à toujours avoir le bon rapport puissance disponible/bruit de fond.
Merci à Audiophonics de proposer ces appareils "state of the art" à des prix abordables, vous tenez le bon bout, continuez !
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dirk V.

Klipschorns & Purifi
Klipschorns are very difficult Loudspeakers because they have an impedence curve from 1-30 (!!) Ohm and are at the same time very sensitive with 104dB/W. I have tried a lot of different amps: class A, 300B tube SET amp, AB, JFET Mosfet etcetc. Finaly with the Purifi amps everything is knitted together and the KHorns really sing. They need timealignment and Dirac but these amps make all the difference. Really happy!
Audiophonics input board make it possible to bypass the opamps. Can't hear much difference though so that's also testament for a fine configuration. It is also dead silent.
BTW it is fascinating how many countries worked together to get this done. Start counting.
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Philippe B.

merci à Audiophonics pour cette paire de bloc stéréo se hissant au sommet
Acheté en double pour une bi-amp verticale, je me retrouve avec un total de 2400w d'alimentation, les graves de 38cm sont ainsi parfaitement maîtrisés.
Par leur neutralité et transparence, j'entends davantage la signature sonore des autres électroniques en amont.
En été, sans clim, les amplis chauffent un peu.
Les blocs ont toutes les qualités requises : transparence, dynamisme et tenue, naturel, encombrement et consommation réduits.
En réflexion post achat je dirais que les idées d'amplis à tubes ou des classiques transistors sont maintenant écartés.
Bravo pour cette réalisation Française en ce jour du 14 juillet 2020 :-)
AUDIOPHONICS LPA-S400ET Amplificateur de Puissance Class D Stéréo Purifi 1ET400A 2x400W 4 Ohm
Nous sommes fiers de vous proposer le Audiophonics LPA-S400ET, un amplificateur de puissance stéréo Class D basé...

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