Avis clients

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laurent C.

excellente qualité
Finition et qualité du produit
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laurent C.

utile ou pas ?
Personnellement, je n'ai pas noté d'amélioration concrète ou audible avec ce produit
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Claus O.

The best purchase I've made in many years
I have heard many more expensive power cables and there has been an improvement in the sound, but this cable is to date the one...

AUDIOPHONICS RASPDAC MINI LCD Kit DIY Lecteur Réseau pour Raspberry Pi 4 & DAC ES9038Q2M - avis - Il y a 18 avis.

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Zoltán T.

Fantastic sound
He replaced an Allo Digione coax. It has a fantastic sound, I didn't regret it. The price is more than good, the delivery took a week to Hungary. The only negative is the screws, I don't know how they calculated this. But her voice makes up for it!
Best regards
Zoli, Hungary
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Laurent D.

Bon produit si on est patient et pugnace
Le colis était bien emballé 2 vis n’étaient pas à la bonne taille et un module de carte SD supplémentaire qui n'a pas son utilité (que je vais renvoyer) Le montage est a la portée de n'importe qui c'est vraiment bien fait. J'avais un PI3 sous la main que je voulais utiliser avec ce Mini Dac. Après moult échange d'ailleurs très pros et concis avec le sav on a réussi à tout faire fonctionner sauf la télécommande qui faut avouer, n'apporte pas grand chose passé 3m de distance. Si d'aventure vous vous lancez dans montage, le résultat est vraiment bluffant le petit écran vous donne les image des Jaquettes et Spotyfy avec Volumio fonctionne parfaitement vraiment un très bon Dac Merci le SAV de m'avoir soutenu dans mon challenge. Un point que je trouve un peu léger c'est l’interrupteur style lampe de chevet sur le fil d'alimentation. Je ne mets que 3 étoiles a cause des sueurs froide et heure perdues a le faire chanter
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Arend B.

High end device for low budget
This is really a great device with high-end sound for little money. Easy to assemble for anyone. Unfortunately four of the screws provided were not the right size, so I had to use my own. Therefore a star deduction. Conclusion: Absolutely recommended! Excellent!
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Anthony P.

Compact and easy to use system. I only want to play Tidal so this is a great solution (I use VolumeIO). Sound quality is very good considering the size. I use the Audiophonics power supply too which makes a big difference
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Christopher J.

Good sound but ..
Easy to construct. Only the Volumio OS would boot for me. Spurious click noises at selection end, but sound otherwise good. Slow to boot and often UPnP interface fails to appear, requiring multiple re-boots. Best left permanently on. Software functionality lets down the good hardware.
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Mark H.

Mr h
Not really worth the message money with a pi would of been more acceptable there are better units out there
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Carlos M.

petite boite... grand son!!
J'ai du un peu attendre suite à la rupture de stock du PI4... Une fois le colis arrivé le montage est simple et sans difficulté la notice étant claire. Par contre c'est côté soft que j'ai eu des problèmes. Après de multiples essais infructueux je ne suis jamais arrivé à avoir la moindre image sur l'écran. Que ce soit Volumio ou Moode. Contacté le SAV m'a envoyé rapidement un lien pour télécharger une autre version de Volumio. Cette fois tout fonctionne! mais ce n'est pas fini... Impossible de monter mon lecteur NAS (SYNOLOGY DS416) dans la configuration Volumio. L'UPnP fonctionne mais je n'ai pas l'accès direct au NAS pour gérer l'audiothèque. Aucun des modes opératoires de Volumio ne fonctionnait. Alors si comme moi vous êtes bloqué , voici le lien vers le forum Volumio et la solution:
Après ces épreuves le résultat est là un très beau son, bonne assises des basses, aéré avec bon placement des instruments, dynamique et équilibré. Par rapport à ma chaine peut être un peu moins de rondeur dans les médiums...encore un peu sec, mais après quelques heures ce point s'est déjà amélioré. Assez bluffant au final par rapport à la dimension de l'engin. POur info ma config hifi Cyrus + enceintes Dynaudio. Avec le Raspdac j'ai pris une alimentation faible bruit 5v iPowerX . Cela doit avoir un impact mais je n'ai pas comparé sans elle.
Merci au SAV Audiophonics pour leur aide (rapide!) et bonne écoute à tous!!
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Jean C.

sounds very good and compliant with Linn Openhome player
Just finalized the port to run openhome on it, compliant with Linn devices for multiroom installation
see : https://github.com/jchassin/ohPlayer
open issue to contact me for support if needed
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Ádám R.

Great for that money!
In words:
It works after downloading Volumio 2773 from here: https://www.audiophonics.fr/en/blog-diy-audio/23-start-up-evo-raspdac-rasptouch-raspdac-mini-with-a-pre-configured -image.html # rdmlcd) and then updated the installed VOLUMIO in the system menu.
- Display shows:
- Resolution, frame rate, file type: for all playback.
- album cover, artist and track title from Tidal (also in case of TIDAL connect),
- When using a music library: Artist, track title. I don't have an album cover in my library right now because there are only two test files in it.

I love this device. The LEGO factor is one of the best features, its sound is pretty good when using an old HTC mobile charger. Other than my old allo Boss player, but no worse! In terms of services, this is better worth the price. I will definitely get a good power supply for it in the future. It deserves it.
The functions of the remote control work well, although sometimes the display does not turn off when I press the power button on the remote control (3 times in about 10 cases).
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cy n.

more ugly than the old version
the screen looks tacky.. old version is sleek and modern. what a shame for a great product.
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Hervé C.

Excellent rapport qualité/encombrement/prix
J'ai eu quelques temps la précédente version monochrome (même électronique par ailleurs, dont Pi4).
Très bonne intégration, compacte, permettant d'obtenir un mignon streamer/DAC d'excellente qualité pour un prix dérisoire...
Très belle scène sonore avec un son très détaillé mais qui manquait à mon goût d'un peu de "chair", puce Sabre oblige.
Peut être était-ce aussi dû à l'époque à mes câbles, loin d'avoir la qualité requise pour lui rendre justice et aussi à l'utilisation de Volumio auquel je préfère désormais Picoreplayer pour son son plus dense et son interface mobile plus user friendly via Ipeng .
Bref, question de goût et d'association. Mais la pertinence et la qualité de cette solution, vu le prix, sont excellentes.
Merci encore à Audiophonics pour la qualité du service (conseil, livraison, sens commercial) et le rapport qualité/prix des solutions proposées.
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Marcin W.

Great sound!
SUperb sound, no issues with connectivity, tidal connect
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Volkan A.

Easy to use with a wonderful and clever display. Totally recommend it
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Aliaksandr S.

Simple solution that just works!
Works as expected! The assembly took some 30 min, the system is very straightforward and I got Spotify Connect working in just a few minutes. Scanning files from NAS took a bit longer but also simple. Overall, pretty happy! Good sound!

A couple of smaller issues:
1. Remote does not always work, still figuring out how to configure additional buttons. However, volume and source work fine and that's the most important.
2. TFT screen is not fully off when in screen saver mode. But not too bright to be a problem.
3. Spotify connect plugin can freeze if you switch tracks too often. You have to either restart the raspdac or open the UI and manually restart the plugin. Still figuring this one out.
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Martin v.

Great sound, great DIY project, but with some quirks–and a personal learning curve.
I really do enjoy the sound of this DAC! Recently I upgraded my sound system with a pair of Kef LS50 (meta), which already gave a huge step forward in sound staging and detail. As a source, I mainly used a RPi 3 + HifiBerry Digi+ Pro HAT, connected to a NAD D3020 hybrid digital amplifier (S/PDIF), streaming FLACs and Spotify with Volumio. After some research on the web, it became clear to me that the streamer now was the weakest link in my audio system. I therefore decided to give the RaspDAC MINI LCD a try, mainly based on the enthusiastic Darko Audio review of the previous version of the MINI (I had looked at the acclaimed, but much more expensive Volumio DAC, but Darko coudn’t tell the diffecence with the MINI). Was it perhaps for this positive review that the first batch of the MINI LCD version sold out so fast? It took about 4 weeks before the DAC was delivered (but only 3 working days to get from F to NL). Putting the thing together was instructive fun to do (and super easy with the visual guide from Audiophonics). I also like the sturdy build quality of the black box. However, when I gave the DAC a first spin, the sound was ‘OK’, but only slighly better than the Rpi3/Hifiberry combination. There were also a few other issues that tempered my original enthusiasm.
1. Using a standard RPi 3A USB-C power adapter, the system consistenly kept showing yellow flashes on the LCD screen, indicating insufficient juice. This happened both at startup and during playback. The system thus appeared quite unstable, responding with long response delays or even unexpected shutdowns when using the remote control, even spontaneously during the playback of music. Therefore I ordered another custom power adapter from my local Pi store (SOS-Solutions in NL), that was able to generate 4A. Even worse: much more high frequency noise, which also disrupted the S/PDIF input stage from functioning properly. After contact with the supplier, they kindly sent me the low noise Alli 5V 3A mini-USB adapter (also available from Audiopnonics): problem solved! It appears that the system is quite power critical. Another finding: the sound improved dramatically–much more detail and space, compared to the sessions in the previous days using HD reference music. Perhaps a linear PS could even improve the sound further?
2. The system uses a card adapter with a flat cable to guide the communication with the micro-SD card to the back of the box. This did (and does) not work in my setup. First I though this was the result of the power issue, but after switching to the Allo adapter–still dead. I tried the card adapter on other Pi’s: no problem there, so it does not seem to be broken. I now use the RaspDAC with the card inside of the box–no big deal, but if anyone has a suggestion to solve this, I would be interested to find out how.
Overall this has been a very good investment (so 5*) in terms of lessons learned ánd a better sounding audio system. My advice to future buyers is to use only a good quality power adapter of at least 3A with the MINI LCD. First I thought that Audiophonics reason to upgrade the new MINI with a RPi4 instead of RPi3 and swapping the monochrome display for the colour LCD was for the most part cosmetically (b.t.w., the added value of the LCD is –at least to me– rather limited). Now I understand that this could be related to the separate power supply of USB and ethernet connections, which makes the RPi3 potentially noisier in audio setups (particularly after my power issues of the past days…). I applaud Audiophonics for bringing such nice products to market. DIY projects are to educate and learn, so mission accomplished.
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Daniel S.

Raspdac mini excellent petit lecteur réseau
J'ai bien reçu mon Raspdac mini 4 (Référence : 15148) et j'ai réussi à tout faire fonctionner correctement....
Ok pour mon NAS, DD usb et les radios internet avec Volumio.
OK pour Qobuz avec BubbleUpNp, mais dommage que les jacquettes ne soient pas affichées et que l'écran défile
tout le paragraphe interprète, sans donner le titre du morceau, du cd ou du chanteur.
La télécommande ne fonctionnait pas, mais vite réglé par le sav avec une maj de volumio!
La led rouge ne s'allume qu'au démarrage, c'est dommage!
J'ai acheté ce Raspdac pour ma maison secondaire et aussi pour servir de spare à mon ancien Linn Akurate : les premiers jours l'écoute s'est avérée décevante, mais s'est bien améliorée au bout de quelques jours!
Aujourd'hui je l'ai installé pour test sur la chaine principale en lieu et place du Linn et le raspdac se débrouille très bien.
La qualité est bonne, mais bien sûr la Linn est devant (avec un prix multiplié par 20!).
Je pense essayer de bricoler une alim 5v audiophile pour essayer d'aller plus loin, car avec l'alim basique je vois quelques raies verticales à l'oscillo....
En conclusion, le rapport qualité prix excellent!
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Byron P.

Excellent sounding and looking network streaming device
This is an excellent Raspberry based network streaming kit that sounds like a high-end component. The aluminum case makes this look like a manufactured product and not a DYI.

I have mine hooked up to separates (preamp and multi-channel amp) and the dynamics, soundstage, and high-end are nicely presented.

In the download section you will find instructions for assembly and usage. Thankfully for me there is an English version as I do not speak French. The assembly instruction should be slightly updated as it shows an older version component for the display unit which has been updated to an LCD display but easy enough to figure out.

I think you will not be disappointed in the sound coming from this device or the convenience of having all your music or web based music stations at your fingertips. My music was accessed by both a solid state drive directly connected to the RPI unit and via NAS.

Lastly I was impressed how quickly I got the unit within 6 days from France to the USA and it was nicely packaged.
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Nigel B.

Very happy with this kit. Easy to put together and sounds very good. You do need to use the correct version of volumio, which is downloadable on this site. Colour screen is nice too!
AUDIOPHONICS RASPDAC MINI LCD Kit DIY Lecteur Réseau pour Raspberry Pi 4 & DAC ES9038Q2M
Pour sa troisième génération, le RaspDac Mini s'équipe d'un écran LCD couleur et...

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