From good to great! Adding this device the music opened up and sounds more natural and engaging. Soundstage is deeper, wider and clearer, especially I noticed voices that before were a bit compressed now widened and became more balanced and natural. The whole sound is more like a high res picture with rich colors would be to the eye, but for your ears - just a great upgrade to my system! I noticed it could run without an extra 5v feed, but with a quality 5v power it really made a difference, especially as my DAC is fed 5v via the USB cable now coming out of this USB power filter. I now stream music from a Mac Mini with Audirvana (program) running Tidal Master Quality, via this Elfidelity AXF-102 ULTRA USB power filter feeding it with 5v from an iFi iPower, then to the SMSL M300 DAC, then via the FX-Audio Tube-00J Limited preamp powered with iFi IPower 12v, and then to Emotiva Stealth 8 active speakers on stands with an extra 2*9,5 kg granite stone weights on to make the speakers not move when playing. Then of course there are good cables between each of these devices to make the sound great. If you stream music via USB and you have a quality to high end stereo you can expect to get a good and, at least in my setup, noticably better sound!
Note :
Date :
Jean-Luc B.
Filtre PC Bonjour , Il ne quittera plus mon installation ! Isolation évidente contre les pollutions du PC sur les écoutes de radios internet . JL
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