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Peter G.

Excellent system
I now have a very detailed and rich sounding streamer with a huge sound stage built with this and other Ian Canada boards. I...
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Peter G.

Excellent system
Amazing sound coming from my streamer built with this and some other Ian Canada parts. Really detailed and rich. See my longer...
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Peter G.

Excellent system
Along with a RaspberryPi 4 and the other Ian Canada products, FIFOPi Q7 II, TransportPi AES, this makes an excellent streamer....

GUSTARD DAC-R26 DAC R2R Discret I2S Bluetooth LAN AirPlay Roon DLNA 32bit 768kHz DSD512 MQA Noir - avis - Il y a 21 avis.

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Pavel M.

GUSTARD DAC-R26 is an excellent R2R DAC, I used to have SMSL D1s, they are quite decent, however, GUSTARD is far away in sound, has stronger dynamics, clear highs, solid bass, full mids, settings are simple, then I did not try RJ45, nothing USB works great, I probably wouldn't use Roon, it's a parody of Audirvan, everything can be set much better there and with good tuning it gives excellent performance. Of course, it plays even better with the HQ player, which I would recommend. The conversion to DSD 512/1bit is fantastic. MQA also has very good results in presenting the sound space. You will then receive an excellent signal into your amplifier. This DAC is an excellent choice for more advanced connoisseurs. I recommend listening to the album Jean Guillou – Orgue et Percussions. You will get excellent space, wonderful acoustics, perfect dynamics, of course it depends on the type of your amplifier and speakers. This DAC is so good that I am considering buying another one. I can definitely recommend
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Alain D.

Excellent et compatible ROON
Très rapide sur les frappes de cordes et peaux, fin et détaillé. Spatial
pas de distorsion a fort niveau. géré par ROON est très pratique
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Gerard T.

Des les premières écoute le Gustard fait de la très belle musique
Mais avec un coté un peu glacé
Il faut être très patient.
Mais une fois rodé je confirme que ce Dac est vraiment fantastique la musique est libérée aucune coloration.
Et encore meilleur avec un drive extérieur 3Dlab.
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Herbert N.

Can it get any better than the R26?
I read a lot of reviews beforehand, also about this DAC, also with regard to comparisons with other DACs. From "This could be your last DAC!" to "This could be the new best DAC up to 3000€" or "The new reference", I read everything meticulously and studied the videos. All very positive tests that raised my expectations. And that's my opinion:

Even with the first notes in the warm-up, you notice the capabilities of this DAC, what incredible control it has over all frequency ranges, the lows are clear, deep and also dark, but still not too dark, the highs are neither sharp nor sharp, they are clear, transparent, just right, pleasant and not tiring, the mids are the best I've heard so far. The mids in particular expand the richness of the sound, it's really surprising what you get to hear here.

I also had to try out the internal streamer straight away and was also very pleasantly surprised by the sound. DLNA/UPNP works excellently and the sound thrills me from the spot. I haven't found anything yet that could surpass the sound of the SMSL SD-9, this integrated streamer in the R26 is indistinguishable from the SD-9 in terms of sound, they are both equally good! Perhaps the R26 is even a shade better, because the cable connection naturally has no influence, as with an external streamer.

After the randomly selected track of Michael Jackson's "Why you wanna trip on me", I can only say: I didn't realise that Jackson experimented so much with the background music! Now I was curious about this album and just had to listen to it. The album "Dangerous" is a real treasure trove of new insights into his music.

With R26, you get the feeling that he's finished with the music, so that you can hear the background music perfectly. It's almost as if you've inserted a soundtrack and the R26 creates the pauses to uncover this soundtrack. And what you hear is what brings the music to life, old music is brought back to life.

Like "Money for Nothing" by Dire Straits, great again this control and transparency, especially at the beginning when the drum solo starts, where otherwise everything sounds like a wild mess, almost like chaos, not with this DAC, here structure and order prevail. 3rd track "In the Air Tonight" Phil Collins, never before have I heard his voice so clear and real and the depth of the drums behind the vocals, wow now the goose bumps come, yes here the music lives and how. Then something newer, "Entropy" by Mallin Pettersen, where the previous DAC often had some problems, the R26 plays uncompromisingly, linearly and with controlled dynamics. "Bug like an Angel" by Mitski, the voice is always more genuine, rougher, nothing is smoothed out and the chorale part once again gives you goose bumps.

I've only ever had Delta/Sigma DACs and there were always certain sounds that were annoying when you heard them over and over again. Of course, I tried exactly these tones with the R26 and the annoying thing about these tones is actually not there. Exactly these notes now have structure and layering and then the realisation comes "ah, that's what I meant!" It's downright fun to listen to these passages because they suddenly sound completely different.
Quiet music used to be a weakness with my chip-based DACs, it was too linear, too flat. Listening quietly didn't make me want to listen to music at all, so I preferred not to. With the R26, the sound doesn't lose anything here either, the dynamics are there, including the depth and the dark background and, very importantly, nothing remains hidden, the mids and highs are just as great, the voices just as powerful as at higher volumes.

Some reviews have always attributed a certain darker sound, a darker background to the R26 when they compare it with the A26, for example, but I can't agree with that. The darker background is the more natural background of the performance; if this were lighter, the music would become flatter and lose the very life that the R26 breathes into it. Perhaps it's also down to the power amplifier. I have two different ones, a Rotel and an Advanced Paris, and the R26 works much better with the second one. The differences are so great that you would never think that they could be the same DAC. So don't always rely on reviews that only refer to the DACs, your devices and cables play a further and even essential role in the audio chain.

Can it get any better than the R26? Of course there are more expensive devices that promise more, but the Gustard R26 is certainly not the weak point in my audio chain, I would have to replace other devices first. Maybe I'll question other devices in the foreseeable future, but for now I'm very happy with the R26 and it's a big upgrade for my system.

It's always a little cautious to get too euphoric when reviewing something like this, but sometimes I just can't find any other words to express what this device is capable of. I didn't take any measurements into account either, I just focussed on the sound, what do I feel, what do I hear. I don't know if you can measure the sound, you can measure the technology, but not the feeling of the music that is then transported with it. I have tried enough Delta/Sigma DACs, all with top measurement results, but there was not one device that conveyed the music to me in a similar way. No DAC has ever dealt with music like this one, no one has been able to convey the feeling like this, the sadness, the joy, the melancholy, the peace, the love, the art of music itself. Yes, think what you want, stick to your data and measurements, in the meantime I enjoy my music.
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Yves T.

Faisons court : top.
Naturel, fluide, bref musical.
Distance de très très loin un petit dac khadas qui se situait lui même un petit peu au dessus du dac d’un Atollcd200.
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Vincenzo R.

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Yann D.

Le meilleur DAC que j'ai eu à ce jour
Le son de ce DAC est longuement décrit sur le web, je vais juste compléter pour dire que je l'ai compatré à mes précédents DAC dont le X26Pro et le A26 notamment (je ne parle pas des topping qui m'ennuient) : le R26 est de loin le plus naturel et il n'a aucun problème à passer TOUS TYPES de musique. La théorie que pour la musique moderne il faut mieux le A26 est stupide. Je suis amateur de techno (qui cogne) et le R26 est jouissif (comme une table de mixage Mackie vs une numérique). Bref, j'adore ce DAC. Bonne muisque !
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Jean-Pierre D.

Très bon DAC
Je souhaitais avoir un DAC R2R (ayant des DAC Sigma assez proches au niveau du son). Ce R26 répond plus qu’à mes attentes, bon équilibre entre les détails et une présentation holographique plus saturée en timbres (j’écoute du classique et du lyrique principalement). La définition des notes élevées est superbe et bien étendue comme j’aime. C’est un DAC qui peut être dynamique, donc adapté à mon avis à pas mal de styles musicaux. Autre point fort du Gustard, un espace sonore très vaste. Utilisé avec un lecteur Rose RS 250 que j’avais pour le streaming et intégré Denon PMA 110 avec enceintes Focal Kanta 1, le Gustard apporte une plus-value à mon installation. Un produit avec un rapport qualité sonore, fabrication / prix imbattable.
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Anton N.

This DAC replaced my Denafrips Pontus II
I have been using this DAC for a couple of months now, and I have been very pleased with my purchase. I previously owned the Denafrips Pontus II DAC, which sounded good, but to me the R26 sounds more smooth and natural in the treble and the bass is better defined. The soundstage of the R26 is a bit smaller than that of the Pontus II, but the sounds are still placed very nicely around my head with the R26. On another note, the streamer of the R26 is very nice and have made my music listening experience better! I highly recommend this DAC for people searching for a good value DAC around this price point.
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Martin A.

Gustard r26
It's working straight out of the box- so far good
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Paul D.

Gustard R26
Superbe produit, et merveilleuse restitution de la musique!
Au déballage, surprise: finition exceptionnelle, pour moi, c’est beau! On regarde la face arrière c’est la première fois que je découvre cet équipement, multitudes d’entrées et possibilités de sorties! Toutes possèdes un cache de protection, même l’entrée RJ45! Superbe! Une fois branché à la chaîne surprise: que la restitution musicale est remarquable! Je suis tellement surpris que j’ai envie d’écouter mes CD délaissés depuis plusieurs mois, stupéfaction! Ils sonnent d’une façon beaucoup plus analogique! Même constatation sur l’écoute de la musique dématérialisée enregistrée sur le NAS. La diffusion est presque holographique elle prend un relief, un placement, une profondeur spectaculaire! Je ne pensais pas découvrir cette musicalité! Je suis comblé! Un appareil exceptionnel! Merci Audiophonics et GUSTARD! SOMPTUEUX!
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Juan C.

Après plusieurs mois d’utilisation, je suis encore plus impressionné et heureux de posséder ce dac Gustard. Comme déjà mentionné dans d’autres commentaires, il nécessite plusieurs heures de rodage et gagne vraiment en profondeur et précision avec le temps. Les basses fréquences descendent alors vraiment bien. Après ce rodage, le son devient extrêmement précis, profond avec une scène large. Bref, je ne lui trouve aucun manque par rapport à un dac delta sigma, mais un gros avantage par rapport à ceux-ci: le son est NATUREL et sans dureté. Ce dac fait de la musique avant tout. Un véritable plaisir.
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Jacek C.

Very good choise
Gustard R-26 - For now, after short tests, I can say that the sound quality improved in all aspects, after changing the vmv d1se, which is also a very good DAC in its class. Purchased with the latest firmware 1.42. The internal streamer works great, also on high resolution files and DSD up to DSD512. I haven't had a chance to test the DSD1024 yet. Earlier issues were fixed in the firmware. Also works great with HQ Player 5.0 after NAA update. I am very pleased with the purchase of the R-26. Audiophonic service and support excellent.
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lars s.

Superb sound
Superb sound quality
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Clive S.

The whole order/delivery process went perfectly.
My first reaction on listening was something was wrong with my foot, then I realised that I was tapping my foot to the music, something that I hadn't done for a while!
I'm still running the DAC in but so far I'm very surprised and very impressed. More later
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Jan S.

Now I understand the thing about R2R. The music comes alive. Well spent money to the system.
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Juan C.

La musique, comme une evidence
Ce DAC Gustard est absolument parfait et indéniablement supérieur à mon ancien dac. Il offre profondeur, espace et détails et tout cela sans fatigue. La musique avec lui devient évidente.
Néanmoins, je dois ajouter quelques informations supplémentaires. Je lis la musique depuis un NAS via un pc utilisé comme streamer. Le R26 comporte un streamer intégré et permet donc de s'affranchir du pc, mais je ne suis jamais parvenu à obtenir le niveau de qualité (et la différence reste importante) que j’ai avec le pc via l’entrée USB. Cependant, et c'est important, pour obtenir cette qualité, je dois malgré tout nettoyer le signal de sortie du pc (suppresseur de bruit électrique et isolation galvanique). Avec ces moyens de filtrage, les résultats sont impressionnants, descente du grave, espace et profondeur accru, douceur et réalisme des timbres. Contrairement à ce que j’ai souvent pu lire, l'entrée USB du dac ne permet pas d’éliminer toutes les cochonneries transmises par le pc.
Avec ces modifications, ce dac Gustard chante comme jamais.
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Jan S.

Gustard R26!
Waoo. Out of the box! 3D, perspectives. The image nice. What will happen after some 100h? Looking forward
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Nikolas H.

Excellent !!!!
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Frédérick M.

Gustard r26
Très bon produit beaucoup de détails une belle amélioration comparé à mon cxn v2 .et puis un grand merci a l équipe très professionnelle et très réactive de audiophonics.recu très rapidement
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Thomas L.

Great product, great service
Thanks for the smooth handling and delivery of the products.
GUSTARD DAC-R26 DAC R2R Discret I2S Bluetooth LAN AirPlay Roon DLNA 32bit 768kHz DSD512 MQA Noir
Gustard dévoile avec son DAC-R26 un convertisseur numérique / analogique absolument exceptionnel. Celui-ci utilise une...

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