Avis clients

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michel m.

Tres bien
J'avais un câble bas de gamme (grand surface) et depuis, je vous confirme la différence ...
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Yuriy N.

Thanks to the Audiophonics team for quickly repairing my amplifier. Very responsive service. The quality of the device is...
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Joerg M.

Thank you Audiophonics for offering this product!
I'm really glad I bought the Allo DigiOne Signature!
Paired with a good DAC (I have the Topping E50), the sound is...

LUDIC SILENOS Câble Haut-Parleur Cuivre OFC Carbone 2x2.5mm² - avis - Il y a 6 avis.

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Mats L.

Amazing cable!
I was very curious about this cable since it got such good reviews.
Bought it to test against my current Furutech FS Alpha cable.

I'm shocked how good it sounds, absolutely amazing!!
My furutech FS Alpha sounds a little warmer BUT not nearly as high resolution as LUDIC SILENOS!

LUDIC SILENOS is much tighter in the bass and more accurate than my Furutech FS Alpha,
I also think that the midrange is clearer and much more open !

It sounds very neutral and high resolution with a large 3D soundstage, yes it has everything you could wish for!
will probably replace the internal wiring in my speakers in the future as it will surely make the sound even better.
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Anastasios O.

This cable is a revelation for it's price... VERY natural without emphasizing any frequency... Silky smooth treble with plenty of air but never harsh, natural clear mids and tight deep bass with great extension...Also very articulate and dynamic. Mid/bass is not bloated but the cable never sounds thin... its full bodied with great homogeneity. It replaces my Tellurium Q Black II which it's bloated mid bass bleeded to other frequencies and muddy the sound... Also the soundstage of the Silenos is way better in all dimensions... WELL DONE LUDIC!
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Frank T.

quel naturel!!!!!!
Bonjour ,cable qui remplace un 250 occ elecaudio sur mes concept20 , il est tres profond,doux, rapide, ouvert , on sent pas les enceintes c est naturel!!!! basse precises et seches! Pour l instant le meilleur cable hp que j ai eu ( qed revelation,mogami ,canare,250 occ, triangle,cabasse, ) a recommander
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Cris K.

This is a strange kind of cable. Its cost is very low but the sound performance is outstanding. I suppose this has to do with the carbon layer because the cable is made of OFC copper. But what matters for audiophiles is the extraordinary final result. This cable outperforms cables that cost many, many times more. This is a giant killer.
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Truly natural sounding cable
I have tried numerous cables of any cost in my system. To my surprise, the sound of this cable is the most natural off all. It is fast, dynamic, full bodied, perfectly controled and very detailed but it never gets harsh, even at the cressendos of a symphonic orchestra. The timbre over the whole audio band is truly exceptional and, yes, the air and space of the stereo image is allmost spooky. The lack of harshnes makes bad recordings acceptable. Beware though. It needs at least 10 hours of break-in for the extreme frequencies to start to open-up. And it might not be everyone's cup of tea. I have heard cables with more energy in the treble but the balance of this cable, to my opinion is trully exceptional. To my system it simply was "the holy grail"
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Claude T.

Lorsque ce câble est apparu sur le site Audiophonics, j'ai cherché ce que pouvait bien être le traitement réalisé par la société Physis concernant la couche de carbone entourant le conducteur OFC.
J'avoue avoir bien ri et me suis demandé ce qu'il pouvait bien fumer après avoir lu les caractéristiques sonores apportées par leur fameux traitement.
Ne trouvant aucun commentaire sur le WEB, je me suis décidé à en commander, juste pour voir.
Pour mon système Tannoy D700 et ampli GATO 400S ce sera certainement le dernier câble.
Brièvement, les enceintes semblent avoir disparu et le son remplit toute la pièce... Je n'en dirais pas plus sur les qualités du produit. Très bizarre comme effet, et j'avoue ne pas trop comprendre.
LUDIC SILENOS Câble Haut-Parleur Cuivre OFC Carbone 2x2.5mm²
Le câble pour enceintes Ludic Silenos est un modèle high-end offrant un niveau de conductivité...

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