Worst ever! I forget this product is so bad that after I receive I m thinking not to buy from audiophonics anymore , because if the product is bad and have error , audiophonics must confirm before send.
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Date :
Joao s.
The worst product ever! This product is the worse thing I ever see, the machine work , is horrible , I receive 3 damaged, on the outside , and the only not damage , the conc work in the inside but the place that contact with , there’s no cnc, I don’t recommend this product ever .
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Stephane T.
Très beau très bon rapport qualité prix, il est magnifique
Note :
Date :
Hugues P.
Look d'exception Intégré à mon projet ampli-dac il apporte une touche délicate à mon goût. Bientôt des photos
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