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christian b.

Et non ! ce n'est pas le câble ultime mais on en a vraiment pour son argent. Pensez, pour a peine plus que le prix...
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christian b.

Bien mais...
Connaissant et appréciant déjà le L-4E6S du même fabriquant j'ai essayé ce câble et l'ai monté avec des fiches...
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Michel P.

Très bon
Mis en aval d'alimentations à découpage stabilisées sur toute la ligne Internet et Ethernet (box-switch-décodeur). Son :...

SINGXER SDA-6 PRO2 DAC Symétrique 2x AK4499EX AK4118 FPGA XMOS I2S LVDS 32bit 768kHz DSD512 - avis - Il y a 1 avis.

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Martin S.

Absolutely neutral, detailed sound. Real High-End.
I have this DAC in use for two months now, connected via XLR to Preamplifier Topping A90D and Neumann KH 420 G active speakers.
Source is a notebook running foobar, connected via USB, source material is PCM from 16/44.1 to 24/192.

The build quality of the device is very good. Remote control is the same type as every Gustard/Topping/SMSL remote.
Unfortunately, the manufacturer does not provide any user manual, so I found the menu control by accident (press "D-Filter" for 3 seconds).
Stand-by mode does not exactly switch off the device, but reduces the power consumption from 15 watts to 10 watts, so I prefer to use the rear power switch when the DAC is not in use.

I did intensive side-by-side listening tests with Gustard X16/X18/X26 pro, Topping D90MQA/E70V/D30 pro, SMSL SU-10 and Teac UD-501.
A comparison to the lower-priced DACs I mentioned above would not be fair, so I will describe my personal impressions of the sound differences between this device, SMSL SU-10 and Gustard X26 pro.
To my ears, in my system, the SDA-6pro2 performs great (I use the default digital filter, "short sharp"). Sound is precise absolutely neutral and well-balanced in every regard. Tonality, soundstage, dynamics. The amount of detail is stunning, in every frequency range. High frequency are a more on the brilliant side, textures in human voices are clearly audible, without any hint of harshness. Of all the DACs compared it with, this is the most neutral sounding.
For years, I used to prefer ESS-based DACS, to my taste AKM-based DACs sounded always a bit to soft- but the Singxer really changed my mind. It combines the dynamics I like on the ESS chips with the natural and detailed sound of the AKM chips.

In comparison, the SMSL SU-10 lacks a bit of detail retrieval in every frequency range, mid-bass is a bit pronounced and female voices tend slightly to "shout" when listening at high volume levels. The soundstage of the SU-10 is huge and also somewhat diffuse.

The difference in sound compared to Gustard X26 pro is a matter of taste. SDA-6pro2 detail retrieval is on par with X26 pro. Bass definition of Singxer is better, but X26 has more pressure and wall-shaking subbass. In short, X26 pro sounds more spectacular due to punch and dynamics, but acoustic instruments and human voices tend to sound a bit artificial in comparison to SDA-6pro 2, which sounds more natural and refined.

I highly recommend this DAC for customers who want simple, perfect sounding DAC and don't need comfort functions or a fancy user interface.
SINGXER SDA-6 PRO2 DAC Symétrique 2x AK4499EX AK4118 FPGA XMOS I2S LVDS 32bit 768kHz DSD512
Le SDA-6 PRO2 de Singxer, seconde version du SDA-6 PRO, est un DAC symétrique haute fidélité. Il...

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